I should of known better ...
24-11-2004 14:41:48
I did some Gear Live quick trades, and one of the emails signed up for me on freeipods is a fake email. Of course I figured this out after my offer was completed for them at Cameras4free.
Another trade I did, mine went through where the other persons didn't , they won't respond to emails or sign on AIM anymore. How convenient.
Only 1 person went through, so I left them GREAT feedback. The idea of the Gear Live QT site is nice, just need better way of seeing who's legit or not. Oh wellll... ( ( (
24-11-2004 15:46:49
yeah ive kinda been hesitant to do gearlive trades lately for the very same reason...
hmmm.... it's not like I didn't try to warn about this possible problem in that thread about quicktrade that now seems to have disappeared. Hemingway2 a comment here? (and an idea about where that thread went?)
24-11-2004 17:06:43
Man you guys love to do nothing but bitch about things that go wrong. I got ALL my nintendods4free refs from the quick trade and they were all perfect. Check their karma before you do an offer with them, if you happen to get screwed give em negative karma. That service is great and i think its well worth the money. Now im halfway done with my freesounddock as well.
24-11-2004 18:01:47
[quotefa4702f282]if you happen to get screwed give em negative karma[/quotefa4702f282]
Well, that's kind of hard to do if the email they signed up with is fake, and/or not listed in GearLive for me to leave feedback. I didn't want to come across as bitching, but maybe more of a "hey this happened to me, I learned my lesson, so be careful it doesn't happen to you." Anyways, I'm glad it's worked for you. Now I know who to do trades with.
24-11-2004 18:22:03
[quote19271c42bd="l0th"] Hemingway2 a comment here? (and an idea about where that thread went?)[/quote19271c42bd]
i would but flatline asked me to stop talking about it on here. and ill respect that.
24-11-2004 18:53:09
phoebe...your pixels are showing! hahahahaha ligigglesli
24-11-2004 20:27:21
eh, the conga circle site that i go to rocks my socks. they have their own conga concept. pm me if you want info. )
24-11-2004 20:53:31
[quoteb4cc5bc481]phoebe...your pixels are showing! hahahahaha ligigglesli[/quoteb4cc5bc481]
hahaha! LOL. ) Silly!
[quoted571351af8]if you happen to get screwed give em negative karma[/quoted571351af8]
sure. Give them as much negative karma as you want. It won't give you back the possibility of signing-up for the offers you used for them. If you happen to trade with just a few unreliable people like this, very quickly you'll run out of offers you can complete and you'll be stuck. As I said, karma is a usefull thing, but there's a good chance that people with high karma are not available to sign-up for many offers they got their karma doing most of the offers already.
Not bitching here, just trying to point to a very real problem. If you trade with reliable people no problem, but as I said reliable people who can still sign-up for you might be rare.
25-11-2004 08:29:05
its about the same risk you take on conga of the person signing up under you not completing an offer. or sending a fake screenshot. etc. there's some bad eggs out there, but they are far outnumbered by the good ones.
first about this
[quote254304250c]there's some bad eggs out there, but they are far outnumbered by the good ones[/quote254304250c]
too bad that if I put a link to someone complaining about something similar on the Gratis Offers Guide forum it will be deleted. All that to say that Phoebe7's case is not isolated. Either that or I was lucky enough to subscribe to the only two forums where people complained about this.
[quote254304250c]its about the same risk you take on conga of the person signing up under you not completing an offer[/quote254304250c]
except that on congas
1) you didn't pay $7.50 to get a bad egg
2) if you get a bad egg, any decent admin will put you back at the top of the line (if it's a line, with a conga circle you just need to be put back on circle). He won't ask you to complete another offer to do so.
3) if you use a fake e-mail address on a conga circle you'll be flagged. First right away because the automated e-mail that is sent to you will come back to the admin. Let's say the admin doesn't see this, as long as the person you're supposed to have signed-up for doesn't confirm he can see you on his account status page, you won't be on circle, and there's nothing for you to gain from having tried to cheat.
but besides that, you're right, there will always bad eggs, you just have to find the proper way to eliminate them. Karma is just one of a number of options.
25-11-2004 11:49:55
[quote6ef3b0363c="hemingway2"]its about the same risk you take on conga of the person signing up under you not completing an offer. or sending a fake screenshot. etc. there's some bad eggs out there, but they are far outnumbered by the good ones.[/quote6ef3b0363c]
You know, i never mentioned this because i was going to roll it off as nothing, but i did sign up for you for an mp34free conga then you sent me a link to a site where my name was suposedly listed. I NEVER received any referrals from that no frills mp34free conga #1. Then you emailed me about something and sent me a link to a different (and better looking) conga for mp34free telling me to join which was stupid since i obviously already signed up for you to be on the other conga that did absolutely nothing. And i found it strange that a couple of the same people that were on mp34free conga #1 were also on mp34free conga#2. Yet my name & link were never moved to the 2nd one... I don't know about you, but that sounds fishy as hell.
25-11-2004 12:24:17
[quote32568e9563="Oldfashionedhussy"]...I don't know about you, but that sounds fishy as hell.[/quote32568e9563]
thats insanity.
okay everyone, im asking on behalf of myself, and of flatline who doesn't want this discussed here -- enough with the back n forth about it. its the same points over and over and over.
some people are really enjoying it.
some people don't want anything to do with it.
that's fine. go about your life and doing the offers how you want to.
no one has a gun to your head forcing you to sign up.
c'est tout.
25-11-2004 12:56:47
insanity? i still have the emails, links, and screenshots that support what i'm saying.
no one has a gun to your head forcing you to sign up.
obiously, but dont have people sign up under a link that benefits you to have them join a conga that is BS. That's a big reason why I don't even want to try that QT thing, because you're running it as well. If I've had good experience that maybe so, but if the person running it screwed me over, then what's persuading me to fork over 7.50 to get screwed over again?
[quoteb5763419d7]I don't know about you, but that sounds fishy as hell.[/quoteb5763419d7]
I don't know about fishy, because I've not seen the two lines you're talking about here. But if they were the way you describe here, I'd say their admins are better off running something totally different (like quicktrade?) because they don't seem to understand much to congas lol