24-11-2004 12:56:54
I'm pumped! I'm sure I have weeks and weeks of complaining to do after today, but I finally was approved after being on hold, then waiting about 18 days to get approved (I had to do it twice, it was weird) D
Well, anyways, I just ordered and I hope to get my iPod AFTER EVERYONE ELSE WHO ORDERED BEFORE ME.
Wish me luck!
24-11-2004 13:45:13
WTF do you mean by freeipods.com account #1 and #2? If you had 2 accounts i really hope you get on fucking hold again for cheating.
24-11-2004 14:48:21
haha i knew some ppl would complain about that...
that's my wife's account under a diff name, diff address, diff computer
no worries D
24-11-2004 16:09:24
Got mine 2 months ago.
24-11-2004 18:57:49
Black? what kinda status is that? like on hold?
24-11-2004 19:55:30
[quote814ac07328="grant38402"]Black? what kinda status is that? like on hold?[/quote814ac07328]
denied referrals
24-11-2004 20:00:32
ah! I learn something new everyday )
Gratis is racist too, on top of everything else
[quote00e4738cf2]Gratis is racist too, on top of everything else[/quote00e4738cf2]
and [b00e4738cf2]we[/b00e4738cf2] only love little green creatures from Mars
25-11-2004 09:03:40
[quotecc567f3bef="l0th"][quotecc567f3bef]Gratis is racist too, on top of everything else[/quotecc567f3bef]
and [bcc567f3bef]we[/bcc567f3bef] only love little green creatures from Mars[/quotecc567f3bef]
stop making me hot