Waiting 90 days to the answer to our questions?!?!?
09-03-2006 20:04:01
....Cause thats what it seems like. We started a thread about questions for your meeting...when are you getting back to us? Dont complain that we are pushing for this asap, as your company time-limited us! If it wasnt for the time limit, you could get back to us in 2 months for all I care.
So where are these answers? Or did the suits say "this came from a trader board? Well, dont respond..."
09-03-2006 22:58:14
Anyone agree/disagree?
09-03-2006 23:21:16
[quotebf41227bce="midnightgt"]Anyone agree/disagree?[/quotebf41227bce]
Agree 100% we are due some answers from high up in Freepay's Chain of command!
In my opinion they are already belatedly, as we should have been told of the TOS changes BEFORE they were implemented and how they will affect our existing and future Freepay offers. It seems that Freepay hasn’t really thought thru some of the ramifications of the new TOS or it wouldn’t take 48+ hours to answers questions that should have been covered already.
Someone or a group of people at Freepay designed these new TOS rules and forgot to write the manual and codes on how they work in a real world dynamic environment. Or maybe they are leaving it vague on purpose. I don’t know, only Jake and Freepay have all the answers.
10-03-2006 00:04:12
i think we should have every single employee at freepay on these forums so they can answer any and every question we have IMMEDIATELY.
i mean come on, we are all customers, they should make every decision at their company based on what will make US happy, who cares if it means they wont stay in business much longer. they owe us 100% customer satisfaction, we shouldn't have to wait for anything.
10-03-2006 07:42:02
Your sarcasm doesnt suprise me, neither does your lack of knowledge, we were promised answers from Jake.
10-03-2006 08:01:22
Dumbass, you don't expect Jake to receive answers immediately and forward it to us. He hangs around these forums and chats with us even though it's completely voluntary. Give him some time, he has a life too.
Stop your freakin' crying.
10-03-2006 09:43:54
[quotefa0deab9ee="midnightgt"]Your sarcasm doesnt suprise me, neither does your lack of knowledge, we were promised answers from Jake.[/quotefa0deab9ee]
Don't bump your post again.
10-03-2006 10:34:52
Doylnea strikes again.
10-03-2006 11:35:51
[quote69fa3bed99="St00pid"]Dumbass, you don't expect Jake to receive answers immediately and forward it to us. He hangs around these forums and chats with us even though it's completely voluntary. Give him some time, he has a life too.
Stop your freakin' crying.[/quote69fa3bed99]
It may be sumwhat voluntary, but I highly doubt that his company doesnt want someone out there representing thier company. Dumbass for not giving him enough time to respond due to his life? Well if he does post in this forum during work (which I have been led to believe) then it is not during his free time, so it would have no effect on his life...ty. I also believe I have given him quite enough time, Since I am on a time limit, I want answers before the end of my 90 days...It's no good to me after that.
Don't bump your post again.
This isnt a bump, I was responding to being called a dumbass by a forum member. But im glad the moderators are controlling who can respond and who cant. I feel safe.
10-03-2006 12:20:05
Oh come on, let's quit being bitches about everything.
We all know the mods at freeipodguide aren't ever fair about banning, closing, blocking, etc.
So what.
Just don't be a little bitch and they'll leave you alone.
11-03-2006 08:38:52
We all know the mods at freeipodguide aren't ever fair about banning, closing, blocking, etc.
So what.[/quote43b5df69b1]
How do you know that? You joined three days ago.
11-03-2006 09:51:05
We all know the mods at freeipodguide aren't ever fair about banning, closing, blocking, etc.
So what.[/quote1fa05b6a5b]
How do you know that? You joined three days ago.[/quote1fa05b6a5b]
A month and three days ago, actually.. But still, he has no idea how much whining, flaming, and spamming we handle around here. If someone is banned, it's for a reason. If something is locked, it's because it's already been covered in a previous thread. Not sure what "blocking" is though.
If we weren't fair about banning, JeremyMiller would be gone already, because he's awfully annoying.
12-03-2006 17:39:36
Id like the time we have waited even past this thread being opened to fully support myself in saying Hate to say I told you so....
Infact has jake been on this site at all lately?
12-03-2006 18:19:46
He posted on Thursday. Maybe he had Friday off, and he usually stays away from the forum on the weekend (I can't blame him, it's work, so he should do it on company time)
It's a tad early to start taking that as a sign that FreePay is going under roll
12-03-2006 18:22:25
Also Jake is not obligated to read everything posted on this forum )
12-03-2006 18:31:46
12-03-2006 19:02:26
lol DS, I backed you 100% over there. Im also never blaming jake, as im sure he'd give answers if it wasnt his company holding back. And dont say he isnt obligated, he was the one who started the ask me questions thread....
Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
13-03-2006 11:34:24
Hope you had a nice weekend!
13-03-2006 11:35:35
[quotec81369854e="Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly.
Thank you for your patience.[/quotec81369854e]
What's this about? You took a personal trip without consulting the FiPG members first? How dare you?!?! [bc81369854e]WE[/bc81369854e] are your first priority, dammit. twisted
13-03-2006 14:05:19
jake, are we still on for the update? thanks
13-03-2006 21:17:36
[quote065e6100db="Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly.
Thank you for your patience.[/quote065e6100db]
I hope you enjoyed your weekend in this wonderfully disgusting city we call Toronto D
If it was your first time to the city, I hope you took a few trips on the subway, it can be quite an enjoyable experience P
This is getting ridiculous! Freepay is taking forever for everything. Before we know it, there is going to be no time left on the 90 days!!!
14-03-2006 12:29:56
We all know the mods at freeipodguide aren't ever fair about banning, closing, blocking, etc.
So what.[/quote4fb130bbef]
How do you know that? You joined three days ago.[/quote4fb130bbef]
A month and three days ago, actually.. But still, he has no idea how much whining, flaming, and spamming we handle around here. If someone is banned, it's for a reason. If something is locked, it's because it's already been covered in a previous thread. Not sure what "blocking" is though.
If we weren't fair about banning, JeremyMiller would be gone already, because he's awfully annoying.[/quote4fb130bbef]
I thought you guys were better at sarcasm.
and this isn't my first time being here. I used to be in the IRC all day about 2 years ago, back when freeipods started getting really big.
Now come on!
04-04-2006 20:05:09
Still waiting ................... Sigh.[/sizec3bdf9db78]
04-04-2006 20:31:31
[quotebcf792cd28="Thormix04"]Still waiting ................... Sigh.[/sizebcf792cd28][/quotebcf792cd28]
freepay you're letting me down
1) update the pcs site like you said 2 months ago
2) Tell us the new way to get referrals that is going to make us "o so happy"
3) take away the 90 day, or extend it to atleast 120 days
5) Start approving the accounts again!
[quote9b6301b86d="jedd999"][quote9b6301b86d="Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly.
Thank you for your patience.[/quote9b6301b86d]
I hope you enjoyed your weekend in this wonderfully disgusting city we call Toronto D
If it was your first time to the city, I hope you took a few trips on the subway, it can be quite an enjoyable experience P[/quote9b6301b86d]
I love Toronto and lived there for over 20 years. ;)
BTW, darkscout, I DID contact you. You responded with curt answers and never actually PMed me again. Perhaps instead of posting a thread in the forum, you should have PMed me eh?
05-04-2006 06:10:02
Freepay, also
6 butter my pancakes for me. that is really difficult to do.
7 where are my pants? I was at your house last night and I think I left them in your fish tank.
8 you know that word we invented for when you have something stuck in your shoe? well i have something stuck in my shoe.
9 i think you should open a chicago office. it will help you service me and me alone.
10 send out my xbox 360 (see 9 for assistance)
11 help me with my homework.
12 are my pancakes buttered yet?
13 it's a nice day outside. want to go play catch?
14 i have 2 computers at fittness point that are having weird I/O errors. could you send jake to check those out?
15 i was thinking that a good insult would be to tell someone that they smell like "If poop could poop." What do you think?
16 have you ever heard the wolf cry, to the blue corn moon?
17 anyone here work with AS/400? I hate AS/400.
18 if the answer for 17 was "Yes". Die.
19 in the past 2 days, i've found 2 gas stations that carry Bawls where previously I knew of none.
20 i just bought a house.
21 my watch band smells funky. i should get a new one.
22 i stole a t-shirt from the weight watchers lady. i don't think she noticed.
23 i miss when MJ played for the bulls.
25 bbiab. cafeteria time.
BTW, I am still waiting for those answers. I have asked for them numerous times and was told they are coming.
So don't blame me. I did what I could.
05-04-2006 08:58:42
thanks Jake for trying
say, what do u think of the situation of the lawsuit against Freepay?
05-04-2006 09:18:31
[quote660fb2246a="Jake"]BTW, I am still waiting for those answers. I have asked for them numerous times and was told they are coming.
So don't blame me. I did what I could.[/quote660fb2246a]
Did I miss something?
[quote660fb2246a="On March 13, Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly. [/quote660fb2246a]
[quote2305c2072e="drunkmonkey"][quote2305c2072e="Jake"]BTW, I am still waiting for those answers. I have asked for them numerous times and was told they are coming.
So don't blame me. I did what I could.[/quote2305c2072e]
Did I miss something?
[quote2305c2072e="On March 13, Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly. [/quote2305c2072e][/quote2305c2072e]
Yeah, I'm not a freepay customer any longer, but if I was, this whole thing sounds EXTREMELY sketchy to me. Implement a policy that accounts expire in 90 days, then basically refuse to answer questions about it. While some of the bitching is excessive, no one can deny that this sounds sketchy as hell.
05-04-2006 10:19:18
[quote9bda15c66d="drunkmonkey"][quote9bda15c66d="Jake"]BTW, I am still waiting for those answers. I have asked for them numerous times and was told they are coming.
So don't blame me. I did what I could.[/quote9bda15c66d]
Did I miss something?
[quote9bda15c66d="On March 13, Jake"]Now that I am back from a weekend with family and friends in Toronto AND I have finally received those answers from my superiors, I will post them shortly. [/quote9bda15c66d][/quote9bda15c66d]
I think Jake thought he had gotten answers but instead got a generalized statement about the change. I think Jake is trying but he's not getting any answers either.
05-04-2006 10:57:59
Oh well, I got my GC from the 360 site, so I'm happy. But because of shit like this, I won't do another Freepay site.
I think Jake thought he had gotten answers but instead got a generalized statement about the change. I think Jake is trying but he's not getting any answers either.[/quote6f8658e272]
You are correct. I was told I had answers waiting but then when the message came, I realized that it wasn't what I expected.
05-04-2006 11:08:56
I think Jake thought he had gotten answers but instead got a generalized statement about the change. I think Jake is trying but he's not getting any answers either.[/quote53468f1637]
You are correct. I was told I had answers waiting but then when the message came, I realized that it wasn't what I expected.[/quote53468f1637]
I remember that now. My bad.