23-11-2004 13:48:02
I returned my ipod to Best Buy, even though I remember somebody posting awhile ago that you couldnt. I just went in and said I dont have a receipt and they gave me $317.99 of store credit. If you buy electronics alot and would use that money eventually at BB i would suggest that, b/c the average price they are selling for on ebay is like 260-270....
my mini cost 290 with tax and a pretty sweet warranty, so i made $30 worth of profit and have a good 2 year warranty.
just a suggestion for you people who were gonna sell your ipod, i know there arent many of you but hey.
Why on Earth would you get a mini? They have 1/5th the storage.
23-11-2004 14:09:19
alot of people dont have that much music
i thought i had alot and i havent even used 4 gb of my 20 gig
23-11-2004 14:24:17
nice.. A scam almost perfectly executed EXCEPT i would of wanted cash. Nice job though )
24-11-2004 08:15:03
yea what i could have done is waited for the free one from FIP, then turn it in for store credit and use most of that to get the mini with the warranty... that way i would only be left with $30 credit and have the rest in cash, but there is no way i could wait until yesterday to just be getting my mini, it was worth the store credit to have my mini 2 months early... im sure theres something at BB i'll want soon anyway lol
and yea i wanted a mini b/c ive only used about 2 gbs, thats more than enough music for me, i just use it to do my workouts and casually around school, its very useful and i use it very often but i dont by any means have a lot of music
24-11-2004 19:47:51
They need to make an ipod with over 100 Gigs.
That way I could just dump my whole collection...that'd be sweet.
25-11-2004 00:36:40
I think I would crap my pants if I saw a 100 gig collection dude. Maybe if you left your whole collection perfect CD quality...
26-11-2004 16:27:03
[quote79470f9872="Blavitch"]They need to make an ipod with over 100 Gigs.
That way I could just dump my whole collection...that'd be sweet.
tell te hard drive manufacurers that