MARYLAND October STV's---------

Live forum:


22-11-2004 14:06:40

Have you shipped? It seems like a lot of people in this state have, but a lot posted that they hadn't shipped and may not have updated if they have. If you've shipped, please give your STV date and location so I can update the map.


22-11-2004 14:51:12

Yes. I shipped. My status is [i0945e6f7df]still[/i0945e6f7df] STV. But my iPod was at my house on Saturday.


22-11-2004 19:06:44

10/13 STV
I have not shipped. Howard MD, near Columbia.

idris, if you don't mind my asking, which service shipped your ipod?


(and thanks, ario, for taking the time to make the helpful map.)