Question about refers

Live forum:


22-11-2004 01:55:27

I had 6 ppl completed an offer for me , but two of them didn't do it right. They finished the offer then find out their freeipod were not verified because they didn't see the offer turn gray or I couldn't see complete in status. And their "My Account" Said their account is not verified. I'm so worry that I even use my laptop log into their account at my house to check. So what should I do? Will they still get the offer complete after they verify their freeipod account? Man I just need one more person to get it. Also will I get on hold if I log into their account at my house, with my own ISP ip?


29-11-2004 07:08:47

OK my uncle's offer is complete. Should I get some more refers before approve? Or Should I get some more to fix the account after I get on hold ?


29-11-2004 07:43:29

if they are not verified it is because they have not clicked the link in the email that gratis sends to verify email addresses. hotmail accounts are known to have that issue of losing that email. if that is the case, have them change their email address and verify their account


29-11-2004 12:00:54

ok. so how about the approving part? I clicked approve already. Is it I may get thou, or on hold, or giants will kind enough to let me make some more refers to cover up the rejected one?


29-11-2004 14:33:09

i dont know why you would approve your account if you werent sure of your 5 referrals...


29-11-2004 15:25:15

The way I wasn't sure of my referrals were because of I had logged into two of the accounts to check out why it is not working while I had the problem post in the very first post in this thread. But they are unque my uncle, and four of my friends. And they start the account in their home's pc first. I only checked two account when the problem come up. I hope this didn't broke the T&S.