Jake question on new approval forms
02-03-2006 08:00:51
I am sending mine in today for the giftcards site I just finished. The form says it can take 4 weeks to process, is that accurate?
Also during these 4 weeks is the clock still ticking for the 90 days we have?
and when it is approved do we get an email?
Last question, once we get approved will the item be shipped out right away?
02-03-2006 08:01:31
Ahhhhh! lihead spinsli
02-03-2006 08:03:16
I've spelled this out thoroughly in at least 3 different threads. I'm just going to start drawing pictures from now on.
02-03-2006 08:05:07
I like pictures...
http//forum.freeipodguide.com/smilies_mod/upload/7e6e8500b46d7b20c6c65dddce867944.gif[" alt=""/imgf6dc4134fc]
02-03-2006 08:06:41
Are we up for a game of win LOSER draw?
02-03-2006 08:09:57
well the official word thread has over 300 replies so I don't really want to read through that entire thread with a bunch of junk in there just to find out a few quick answers
02-03-2006 08:13:17
okay that's cool, we don't mind reposting answers over and over, after we've been funneling questions to one thread. as long as we're saving you some time.
02-03-2006 08:14:10
02-03-2006 08:16:41
[quote92d72bc742="CollidgeGraduit"]okay that's cool, we don't mind reposting answers over and over, after we've been funneling questions to one thread. as long as we're saving you some time.[/quote92d72bc742]
why not make a FAQ on the first post of the "Official Word" thread?
02-03-2006 08:20:07
[quotec3b30489b5="mpbollywoodking"][quotec3b30489b5="CollidgeGraduit"]okay that's cool, we don't mind reposting answers over and over, after we've been funneling questions to one thread. as long as we're saving you some time.[/quotec3b30489b5]
why not make a FAQ on the first post of the "Official Word" thread?[/quotec3b30489b5]
Unfortunately people don't bother reading the FAQs, either, because they don't have time to waste reading through it.. they need answers now!
02-03-2006 08:23:57
than that is their problem
02-03-2006 08:25:50
Has the question even been answered yet? If you're denied approval, what happens to the time limit? Do you get another 90 days? Does it "pause" when you mail the form, and then pick up again once you're denied?
02-03-2006 08:28:11
Wait, I thought this new requirement was suppose to speed up the approval stage, didn't you say that Jake? If it takes up to 4 weeks how is it sped up?
02-03-2006 08:46:18
because now we use the postal service for approval! wo0t!
02-03-2006 09:11:53
I would definately read through a FAQ, but not 300 posts of people complaining and throwing their .02 in. I just want to get some answers not read people bashing freepay.
02-03-2006 09:27:25
seconded. I would definitely be down for a FAQs if I were able to find answers to all the questions that are surely floating around there. I know my question hasn't been answered yet that's for sure.
02-03-2006 10:14:57
Here's a tertiary vote for a FAQ, I am still totally baffled about whether or not I need forms, vouchers, blood samples, urine samples, and stool samples to get items that are currently in approval.
(I will probably be willing to volunteer the urine and stool samples based on the lack of warning about this latest change)
I know the answer has been posted that the form is an approval form, but my iPod site went from STV to pending approval.
I am also interested in knowing what happens in the event of a denied referral during the 4 week approval process.
is it too early for a faq? I know jake mentioned on the other thread that he has questions he asked superiors that are pending answers
02-03-2006 22:39:43
What is the point of the approval form? FreePay doing the 90 day thing is sort of defendable. The approval form serves no other purpose than to be a blatant last ditch effort to prevent/delay people from getting their rewards. It's like if I print out this message, snail mail it to the mods, and have them post it here for me ... serves absolutely no point than to delay the posting and possibly get lost in the mail.
03-03-2006 06:28:37
This is definitely the time for a FAQ....
Even if the answer to the question is "Jake is asking his Freepay Overlords" it's an answer, and I reccomend a 1 day vacation to anyone starting a new thread with a question answered in the FAQ