21-11-2004 18:20:52
I was just wondering how you could possibily be backordered? It seems to me that you make money from the five refferals...and that should be enough money to order an iPod(with you making a profit I might add). I just got one for my sister ordered and shipped within a day.
Now, I've worked for you, gotten you money, and I'd just like to know how this is possibly a problem for you to get me my item.
I've done the math, you should be able to send me my item. Could you just tell me where I'm wrong and possibly the status of my order? It'd be greatly appriciated.
Thanks for listening.
21-11-2004 19:25:18
And I bet you get an auto response telling you 2-3 weeks.
Oh well, I'm starting to get impatient because i've been stv for a month now. I'm not going to bother contacting them though since I don't think they really care how long we wait.
21-11-2004 20:07:39
Yeah, they've already made all their money from your referrals...and im sure emailing them a bunch just makes things go slower. How I look at it is, Ive lived my whole life without an Ipod, so whats another couple months.
21-11-2004 20:08:56
I've paid for my I want it.
21-11-2004 21:27:02
I agree but no matter what the reason is or what the reality is I just wish they would give a straight answer rather than old pre written e-mails. I think the truth is every other week they either pay their employee's or buy and ship ipods.
21-11-2004 21:50:26
I think its a huge amount of bullshit it takes them over a fucking month for something I can walk into a store and buy.
21-11-2004 21:52:28
First of all its free, second of all shipping and everything does take longer than walking to the store and buying it P
21-11-2004 21:58:09
Would be nice to see some sort of straight answer.... or at least an iPod.
21-11-2004 21:58:37
[quote7f76b853c0="treydawg"]I think its a huge amount of bullshit it takes them over a fucking month for something I can walk into a store and buy.[/quote7f76b853c0]
there is a bit more to the process of getting your ipod when you do it this way...
21-11-2004 21:58:46
It isnt necassarily free.. they get their money and then some so I am sick of hearing the its free argument. I dont mind the shipping wait . The month is fine but now that it is after a month and the lack of being honest about what the hell their system is what is totally tweaking me.
21-11-2004 22:04:47
just relax dude, getting all heated about it isnt going to make your ipod come any quicker.. just think of a way to keep yourself occupied while you wait. when did you go STV? we will all get our ipods in due time, sure the wait sucks, but there have been people that had waited longer then that. most of them are gone now because they are all out happily frolicking with their ipods, but i'm sure the only reason you havent heard about this yet is because like you are tired of hearing the "theyre free story", lots of people are tired of hearing people bitch about waiting a month or more...
22-11-2004 04:18:01
How is it complicated? We give them money (even if it is indirectly). And they buy us an iPod. I can order off of any of thier suplliers and have it shipped in 24 hours if I want.
They're screwing us.
[quote1deacdce72]even if it is indirectly[/quote1deacdce72]
I think that's where it gets complicated and all delays start. If we gave them directly the money they receive from the company they advertise for they would have no excuse. But I have to say that I understand they're waiting to cash big checks before they order dozens of iPods (and photo iPods). Now, maybe the reason why we have to wait for so long now is because they've been careless with their previous checks and cashed too much for themselves so that they don't have a cash margin to operate now.
22-11-2004 06:56:02
yeah the whole backorder thing is crap.....I mean offercentric seems to be doing fine at getting their orders out the door...maybe they aren't as backed up as gratis yet...who know....but gratis does need to pull it together and get their orders out.....but I am a little more patient do to the fact that I already received mine from centric....but I would like the one from gratis to give to my little brother for Christmas! D