21-11-2004 18:09:27
Can people that i live with (mom dad and sister) complete offers for me?
i already have 2 complete offers so if i could have my mom dad and sister each complete one i would be done.
does anyone know if this is possible?
21-11-2004 18:15:20
If you have all complete different Credit Cards, differen't computeres, and different addresses then maybe. But most likely, you will get put on hold. Don't try it.
21-11-2004 18:59:43
No they cant... dont risk it either because gratis wont care if you say you didnt know. It's in their TOS.
21-11-2004 19:08:33
You could try from offices. But Gratis is always looking for a way to screw you do it at your own risk.
21-11-2004 19:27:35
Thats a big fat NO. If they're putting people on hold from the same college campus then they'll definitely get you for the same house.
21-11-2004 21:00:40
uh i think it really doesnt have much to do with IP because i had my girlfriend do an offer for me on my computer with her credit card and other info filled out and i never got put on hold