Hello I did a offer yesterday under someone's ref link and they claim that I never signed up under them. This was a trade on here. I did the true.com offer that credits instantly and it turns out he said I am not even on his referal list.
I am experienced at this and had cleared all my cookies before i started it to avoid being put under someone else's ref link, I even enabled all cookies and all firewall settings and everything permitted as I signed up.
The only thing that could have gone wrong was when I was signing up I accidently skipped the shipping information and it was never recorded. Jake was wondering if you can fix this? roll
01-03-2006 05:21:45
Search function - there's countless other topics about this
Rules - don't make threads for Jake to check things out, PM him.
01-03-2006 05:26:38
you never do an offer during a trade with out knowing that you are on the other participent's list