22-02-2006 21:19:59
hi guys, i have a ref that wants to sign up for me but could only do an offer that accepts paypal. is there any for freepay. if so which one? if not, what way could the go to complete an offer with out a cc
You can use Paypal's virtual debit card number on all offers that don't require the security code found on the back of credit cards.
23-02-2006 12:36:39
[quote2bc6985582="Bill"]You can use Paypal's virtual debit card number on all offers that don't require the security code found on the back of credit cards.[/quote2bc6985582]
yup, if they require a CV# just type in 123 or 000, it works some of the time but not everytime and IDK why....
btw dragonguy, do you know if you can do our rewardbull trade yet or are you still thinking....i would like to get this done quick if possible....