I just got submitted for approval and was wondering if you think that ordering the iBook now would be more profitable or waiting until the new iBook comes out to sell it would be more profitable. I need to save some $$$ to buy a MacBook Pro so I need to get as much money as possible for my laptop.
21-02-2006 22:41:06
[quote483c6ee728="Bill"]I just got submitted for approval and was wondering if you think that ordering the iBook now would be more profitable or waiting until the new iBook comes out to sell it would be more profitable. I need to save some $$$ to buy a MacBook Pro so I need to get as much money as possible for my laptop.
If freepay is going to update the prize to the new ibook, I would wait for that. I guess it all depends on how soon you need the money =]
22-02-2006 06:35:43
Well, OC has sort of upped the bar on laptops offered, but their OsOD might negate the pressure on Freepay.
22-02-2006 07:58:57
On FreePay's Canadian version of the laptops.freepay.com it has some great, easy and cheap $1 trials, would never bother with OC after seeing all those awesome offers on FreePay. P