18-11-2004 15:29:53
Hey, I completed the video professor offer for myself at about 4 oclock today. I planned on paying the 6.95 for shipping and i wanted to test out the photoshop cd's to see if i liked them. I got an instant credit for my photofreeipod. I came home and started reading this forum though and i found out the "scam" related to VP. I read that if you dont return the cd's in 10 days and call them back to cancel, youll be charged 70 bucks. I immediately called the company to cancel so i dont get charged, except they hadnt even processed my order yet, and therefore didn't send it yet. They simply cancelled my order. I'm worried about being put on hold though, because now it looks like I registered, got a credit, then cancelled in tehs ame day. thats now i intended it to be though ( I really didnt mind paying 6.95 to try out the stuff.. i jsut didnt want to be charged 70
18-11-2004 16:11:28
Hmm..well who seems to be putting everyone on hold for everything...that's why i'm using offercentric )