PS3 Price / Delay / Referral #
19-02-2006 18:01:00
Now, they've come out with all this speculation about the PS3 being delayed and it maybe being priced around $800. If the price is higher, will FreePay make the referral number higher for I hope not. Anyone know anything about this? Jake?
19-02-2006 19:23:48
I'm sure the answer is yes so hurry up and finish and you should be locked in
19-02-2006 19:33:06
I seem to be stuck at 3 referrals. I'm having trouble getting anybody else.
19-02-2006 19:40:54
[quotefc3da68a53="petezahut2"]I seem to be stuck at 3 referrals. I'm having trouble getting anybody else.[/quotefc3da68a53]
trade forum?? friends?? I'm sure if you get really into it you can find some.
[quotec8c939184f="petezahut2"]Now, they've come out with all this speculation about the PS3 being delayed and it maybe being priced around $800. If the price is higher, will FreePay make the referral number higher for I hope not. Anyone know anything about this? Jake?[/quotec8c939184f]
what's your source for this info?
19-02-2006 20:08:39
I believe that ML estimated it costs $900 to make (which is really $800 but someone at ML cannot add) - This would mean they could sell it at that price, but I highly doubt it. It looks as though it will be more in the $600-$700 range. The bad news is that is might be delayed until 2007, and we most likely will have our referrals jump up a few more greens to get one.
19-02-2006 20:14:20
damn this sucks, ive been waiting forever for this ps3 but 2007??? No way.... ill kill someone waiting
19-02-2006 23:13:31
this is the stupidest things i ever heard, sony is not dumb enough to mark up their world wide gaming system at such a high price, everyone would just buy a xbox360 then. i bet its just gonna be around the same price as the xbox360
19-02-2006 23:33:39
[quote8475842192="ucool22"]this is the stupidest things i ever heard, sony is not dumb enough to mark up their world wide gaming system at such a high price, everyone would just buy a xbox360 then. i bet its just gonna be around the same price as the xbox360[/quote8475842192]
Werd. I'm sure they will cost somewhere around 700$ to make just like the xbox 360's did, and they will take a loss because they know that they will gain in the long run.
19-02-2006 23:37:19
Hmmm I hope freepay won't deny our PS3s.
19-02-2006 23:40:24
[quote7d61a48f46="d3athtonic"]Hmmm I hope freepay won't deny our PS3s.[/quote7d61a48f46]
We are all still waiting on our 360's. I can't even begin to think about PS3 comin or not yet lol.
20-02-2006 08:21:48
Do you honestly think that if you complete the site now, and Sony ends up releasing the PS3 at $800, Freepay will just say "Well, we're losing a shitload of money on 8 referrals, but you got in before the price increase, so here's your system"?
20-02-2006 09:38:53
First off Sony wont charge $800 for the system. When the ps2 and xbox were both first released they were at a hug loss.
Sony will end up chargeing about $50 more then the xbox 360 since they think more people will buy it and that it is a better system.
The reason the pasrts are so high is becasue nobody is buying them. As soon as Sony places an order for a million of them the part prices will drop to nothing.
Lastly odds are nobody will see one from freepay till 2007 regardless of release date.
unknown uchiha
20-02-2006 13:14:02
Yeah, they won't logically charge you $900 for the system as Merill-Lynch predicts the systems are costing us. A reasonable price would be around the $600 range, since Sony DID say it was going to be expensive but "worthwhile". The reason why it's costing so much is because of the Blu-Ray technology and Cell processor. Once demand for the parts goes up, the prices should drop due to bulk orders being placed. We might see an even more limited amount of PS3s available compared to the 360s from last year around launch.
The technology's not completely perfected yet, and it's mostly rushed because Sony pretty much figured that Microsoft would keep the Xbox for another two years, something that it could survive strongly for. But Microsoft made a bold move by releasing the 360, which forced Sony to reveal the PS3 before it was ready to handle the burden of price and such.
It all comes down to, are you willing to shell out $600+ for a rushed system? I mean, the 360 had its hardware malfunctions when it came out. Many people spent thousands on eBay to get a defective system just so they could be the first kid on the block to own one. Are you really going to want that first-generation hardware? The PSP launched with dead pixels and a defective square button. The original Xbox launched with an overly bulky controller.
Odds are, Freepay/OC/Trainn/freebie sites in general are going to have a hard time getting their hands on a PS3 until 2007. But that's okay with me, I'm willing to wait for a second-generation PS3 with perfected hardware and its faults fixed.
[quotef9f77d5ce0="unknown uchiha"]
Odds are, Freepay/OC/Trainn/freebie sites in general are going to have a hard time getting their hands on a PS3 until 2007. But that's okay with me, I'm willing to wait for a second-generation PS3 with perfected hardware and its faults fixed.[/quotef9f77d5ce0]
true, but you forgot one thing. add "at little cost to me" at the end of your last sentence and it echoes my thoughts )
20-02-2006 17:03:08
I heard they were just gonna tone it down, so its not THAT much better than the 360. They can't really afford to sell it for more than 4 or 500
21-02-2006 05:29:21
[quote9fd271b67d="unknown uchiha"]
Odds are, Freepay/OC/Trainn/freebie sites in general are going to have a hard time getting their hands on a PS3 until 2007. But that's okay with me, I'm willing to wait for a second-generation PS3 with perfected hardware and its faults fixed.[/quote9fd271b67d]
This is very true and agree with what you said earlier. We will probably not have a PS3 from Freepay until this time next year! I am guessing that freepay might start writing checks...this would make everybody happy!
21-02-2006 07:41:37
[quote19a96b9cfc="coolbreeze06"][quote19a96b9cfc="unknown uchiha"]
Odds are, Freepay/OC/Trainn/freebie sites in general are going to have a hard time getting their hands on a PS3 until 2007. But that's okay with me, I'm willing to wait for a second-generation PS3 with perfected hardware and its faults fixed.[/quote19a96b9cfc]
This is very true and agree with what you said earlier. We will probably not have a PS3 from Freepay until this time next year! I am guessing that [b19a96b9cfc]freepay might start writing checks...this would make everybody happy![/b19a96b9cfc][/quote19a96b9cfc]
lol Now that's comedy...Freepay seeing a problem in the release and making an extra effort to satisfy their customers... lol
21-02-2006 10:53:36
What would you rather get a $500 check from freepay ($500 is probably what they predict it will sell for) or wait until March 2007 and get your package from freepay? I would probably take the check and pay any extra needed to grab a system at launch!! lol....or buy 2 revolutions! lol
21-02-2006 11:02:25
[quote83412b3ba8="coolbreeze06"]What would you rather get a $500 check from freepay ($500 is probably what they predict it will sell for) or wait until March 2007 and get your package from freepay? I would probably take the check and pay any extra needed to grab a system at launch!! lol....or buy 2 revolutions! lol[/quote83412b3ba8]
Of course I'd prefer the check, but we all know from the 360 fiasco that's not an option.
21-02-2006 19:43:11
[quote30d68cb08a="ragefu"]I heard they were just gonna tone it down, so its not THAT much better than the 360. They can't really afford to sell it for more than 4 or 500[/quote30d68cb08a]
Your first sentence is complete BS. No offence to you, but who or where you heard that from, is wrong.
Have you watched the Sony Press Conference at E3? It clearly describes the PS3's capabilities, and it highly surpasses the capabilities of the 360.
It's really amazing what this machine can do. And that was May '05 (E3 conference). It's gonna rock the 360s shiit.
But I must agree, they cannot charge more then $500 for it. They sell millions of consoles, but BILLIONS of games and accessories. Selling a console at a loss isn't that bad.
22-02-2006 08:12:45
[quote68ae34884d="Asselin"][quote68ae34884d="ragefu"]I heard they were just gonna tone it down, so its not THAT much better than the 360. They can't really afford to sell it for more than 4 or 500[/quote68ae34884d]
Your first sentence is complete BS. No offence to you, but who or where you heard that from, is wrong.
Have you watched the Sony Press Conference at E3? It clearly describes the PS3's capabilities, and it highly surpasses the capabilities of the 360.
It's really amazing what this machine can do. And that was May '05 (E3 conference). It's gonna rock the 360s shiit.
But I must agree, they cannot charge more then $500 for it. They sell millions of consoles, but BILLIONS of games and accessories. Selling a console at a loss isn't that bad.[/quote68ae34884d]
And that was exactly what Microsoft considered when they priced the XBox 360. The console was costing Microsoft I believe it was roughly $350 US to produce one unit and the core was selling for only $299 US (these are just estimations.. I remember seeing an article with exact losses per unit and overall, but I'm just ballparking it). Microsoft though wasn't worried about it because of all the money they rake from selling over-priced accessories, games and all of that good stuff.
22-02-2006 08:22:07
oh plz god make the PS3 referral requirement at 8, i mean oh my god, it's so hard just to get one referral, damn skeptics )
22-02-2006 10:11:16
this is wack
22-02-2006 11:14:06
Sony is not stupid...they will not sell the ps3 for 800...
This is just a prediction!
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