Sol Survivor
18-11-2004 02:34:03
I think this would be the perfect compliment to my new 20 gig ipod...but there is just one problem..
I would never give my money to apple. Never. So therefore, I need to find a referral site with the new imac. Any ideas?
18-11-2004 05:46:11
what are you talking about never give money to apple?
18-11-2004 07:19:47
If you "never" want to give your money to apple, I think you're wishing for the wrong type of computer there...
Sol Survivor
18-11-2004 08:09:39
hey... guys... time to answer the question and stop reading into my fucking post letter by letter
I need something cheap and easy to get for the downstairs. I don't like any of the freedesktoppc units, so I thought having a hub especially for the ipod and itunes would be perfect.
So having explained my reasons for wanting an imac, are there any free sites that have one? If not, just say no and move along
Um. You do realize that if you get an iMac, Apple will get money, whether you give it to them or not, right? To answer your question, no, there is no site where you can get a free iMac... not along the lines of the sites discussed on this forum anyway. I think you deserved all the guffaws you got about your question, though.
Sol Survivor
18-11-2004 14:05:29
fuck off
i got my free ipod so fuck this site
18-11-2004 14:20:22
i dont like sol survivor, he has pms
18-11-2004 14:32:03
sol survivor quit being a little bitch.
you cant a get a free imac, you can try those producttestpanel or emarket reasearch sites which offer a free imac, but those are obviously scams.
did that answer your question prick?
18-11-2004 18:09:34
and this guy still has zero karma, hmmm
19-11-2004 05:35:31
They are not a scam.
And you don't need referrals.
Someone's actually written a site on how to get stuff
19-11-2004 05:41:22
geesh, i just thought he was saying he wanted to start an imac thing and didnt want to give money to apple. sorry if i said anything wrong... roll
Sol Survivor
19-11-2004 07:01:52
I can't find the imac anywhere on that list at all
19-11-2004 09:04:26
[quote97a071472e="ipod_nazi"]i dont like sol survivor, he has pms[/quote97a071472e]
I resemble that remark. ?
19-11-2004 15:28:15
Imacs are overpriced, there are no Imac sites becuase no one wants to get 20 referals for one on those. For that matter, Im sure Freelaptops will come long before freeimacs will... You can get a laptop for around 600-700 dollars...