17-02-2006 15:09:01
I just got about 4 or 5 emails today from freepay saying "my referrals have signed up". Does this mean that they have completed an offer or just signed up through my link? If so, why does it take so long for them to tell me that?
17-02-2006 15:29:17
[quote84d7ac77a2="Marximus"]I just got about 4 or 5 emails today from freepay saying "my referrals have signed up". Does this mean that they have completed an offer or just signed up through my link? If so, why does it take so long for them to tell me that?[/quote84d7ac77a2]
It means they just have signed up under your referral link. Beats me why it takes so long. I don't find it a big deal. You'll get another email when they complete an offer.
17-02-2006 15:29:23
If they actually complete an offer, it'll be a different email.
18-02-2006 08:03:58
Has anyone else noticed they seem to send out more emails than they used to?
I never used to get emails when I, or any of my refs completed an offer, only occasionaly when they signed up.
18-02-2006 08:13:52
There's a variety of reasons why they could be doing it now. Like checking IP addresses and active email accounts, aside from just keeping you up to date.
If you're one ref away from finishing, those emails are a welcome sight. )
18-02-2006 08:16:02
I like being able to check my status from other locations without logging in.
18-02-2006 08:36:45
[quotea9b4578c9d="Marximus"]I just got about 4 or 5 emails today from freepay saying "my referrals have signed up". Does this mean that they have completed an offer or just signed up through my link? If so, why does it take so long for them to tell me that?[/quotea9b4578c9d]
it means they signedup. i still get these to the day for premiumpods(eventhough I complete it july '05). you get another e-mail that says "your ref completed an offer" if they do. i stopped counting , but i think i had a total of 17 greens by then. wink
18-02-2006 09:01:00
Haha....I advertised my gamingsystems account a LONGGGG while back and just got an email from freepay, after totally forgeting about that account, letting me know i had 2 greens...That was welcomed site for sure....
I vote this email thing is acutally going to get more people back in the game...Such as this particular account for myself anyway
18-02-2006 09:06:56
I guess the reason that they dont cancel accounts if people arent using them, and after an item has been sent, is that they are effectively signing up without giving anyone credit because only one item will be sent. They'd rather someone found a link to a sent account than one that counts as a refferal.