14-02-2006 06:38:58
hey guys i was just curious
a referral brought it to my attention that the offer screens were unsecure. However if you right click you can see it's a frame, and the actual offer is generally secure (lock shown in corner) but since the freepay site is importing the offer thru a frame, the address seen in the bar is a freepay addy, not one of the offer addresses. This is why it appears to not be secure I think.
Anyways does Freepay log these credit card numbers? I guess i'm just being paranoid but I find it strange how freepay kind of ghosts the sponsor offer page without showing any encryption or security. Just curious as to if Freepay grabbed these #s (meaning that it's transfered unencrypted to their server) or not. TRAINN does not seem to do this, when you go to a sponsor offer their address is shown in the addy bar and it is generally shown as secure.
just curious
We do not log your credit card numbers. There is no need for us to have that information so we do not keep it.
14-02-2006 06:43:35
[quotec4c1e6ba46="Jake"]We do not log your credit card numbers. There is no need for us to have that information so we do not keep it.[/quotec4c1e6ba46]
Actually to put people even more at ease, I don't think FreePay ever even sees your credit card # (correct me if I'm wrong). That was what convinced me to try FreeiPods in the first place -- you weren't giving your CC# to some company you've never heard of, you're giving it to reputable companies like Blockbuster.
14-02-2006 07:11:01
thanks for the uick responses guys!
Just a small suggestion for freepay...they might want to figure out a way to show the offer is secure
I mean I have the know-how to right click and open the frame and prove to myself that the sponsor page is indeed secure...but I think it may scare some referrals and potential customers away when they have to put in their CC# and they don't see the lock in the bottom right.
Just a suggestion though -) Not sure if its possible or not
I appreciate the quick responses guys. I'm new to freepay (started my first site about a month ago) and I am addicted so badly!
14-02-2006 09:01:15
Yeah and offers that use CC porcessors such as paycom don't get access to your cc # either. Just the processor gets that.
14-02-2006 13:19:44
I would rather freepay have my CC number than some of those shady offer companies like INSTACAST shock
14-02-2006 13:55:44
[quote239e357d1e="Drummer16161616"]I would rather freepay have my CC number than some of those shady offer companies like INSTACAST shock[/quote239e357d1e]
true, true.
14-02-2006 19:52:46
[quote839ef527d6="VrExe"]i second ur avatar[/quote839ef527d6]
8) 8) 8)
15-02-2006 06:32:12
[quote91d2f8cb1a="CollidgeGraduit"][quote91d2f8cb1a="Jake"]We do not log your credit card numbers. There is no need for us to have that information so we do not [b91d2f8cb1a]keep[/b91d2f8cb1a] it.[/quote91d2f8cb1a]
Actually to put people even more at ease, I don't think FreePay ever even sees your credit card # (correct me if I'm wrong). That was what convinced me to try FreeiPods in the first place -- you weren't giving your CC# to some company you've never heard of, you're giving it to reputable companies like Blockbuster.[/quote91d2f8cb1a]
The way Jake's comment is phrased, it would seem that they do have the ability to log the information, but [i91d2f8cb1a]choose[/i91d2f8cb1a] not to.
15-02-2006 07:50:42
[quote7307edc379="Tholek"][quote7307edc379="CollidgeGraduit"][quote7307edc379="Jake"]We do not log your credit card numbers. There is no need for us to have that information so we do not [b7307edc379]keep[/b7307edc379] it.[/quote7307edc379]
Actually to put people even more at ease, I don't think FreePay ever even sees your credit card # (correct me if I'm wrong). That was what convinced me to try FreeiPods in the first place -- you weren't giving your CC# to some company you've never heard of, you're giving it to reputable companies like Blockbuster.[/quote7307edc379]
The way Jake's comment is phrased, it would seem that they do have the ability to log the information, but [i7307edc379]choose[/i7307edc379] not to.[/quote7307edc379]
I'm thinking he probably mis-phrased it, because I can't think of any way that they would get access to the CC information.
[quote5885f5c107="Tholek"][quote5885f5c107="CollidgeGraduit"][quote5885f5c107="Jake"]We do not log your credit card numbers. There is no need for us to have that information so we do not [b5885f5c107]keep[/b5885f5c107] it.[/quote5885f5c107]
Actually to put people even more at ease, I don't think FreePay ever even sees your credit card # (correct me if I'm wrong). That was what convinced me to try FreeiPods in the first place -- you weren't giving your CC# to some company you've never heard of, you're giving it to reputable companies like Blockbuster.[/quote5885f5c107]
The way Jake's comment is phrased, it would seem that they do have the ability to log the information, but [i5885f5c107]choose[/i5885f5c107] not to.[/quote5885f5c107]
I do not believe that we have the ability to log people's CC numbers. Mind you, I didn't design the site so I don't know the inner workings of our system. The thing I can assure you of is that we do not have your CC info anywhere.
15-02-2006 14:14:22
Yeah...I think there may be some legal issues to overturn if you wanted to log my CC.
Privacy given to you by the sites you order from. Read their privacy acts, LAWLZ! P
15-02-2006 14:50:20
no, they do log them..
then they forward all of them to me for my own personal use..
http/" alt=""/img.slickdeals.net/images/smilies2/evil.gif[/img341149e81d]