15-11-2004 14:24:09
If 1 or 2 of your referrals are not approved - and [i2b31326dbc][b2b31326dbc]it's their fault and not yours[/b2b31326dbc][/i2b31326dbc], do you get placed on hold indefinitely, or do you simply have to get more referrals to make up for the bad ones? Here's why I'm asking
I have 5 referrals done, and I got them all from people I don't know on the internet. I emailed all of the people who completed offers to make sure they were unique, and I think they all were but two of them were suspicious to me. They might be from the same house. I don't know though. And there's no way for me to tell unless I submit my account!
So my question is this [b2b31326dbc]Should I just submit my account for approval anyways?[/b2b31326dbc] Because I don't want to be put on hold indefinitely. If those two referrals are turned down, will it put me on hold or will I just have to get more referrals? HELP shock
15-11-2004 14:55:31
If you don't submit your account, you will FOR SURE never get your iPod. If you do, you might lose a referral or two, but chances are, things will go smoothly and it'll be just fine.
15-11-2004 15:06:24
lol yeah
but if those two go on hold won't that keep me stuck too? I don't know.
15-11-2004 15:07:57
[b8c84ae938b]If[/b8c84ae938b] they go on hold it might, but I doubt it -- unless their mistakes somehow involved you. I have 2 referrals that got put on hold for Photo iPods, but my account is fine. Just go ahead and submit your account.
16-11-2004 17:23:35
You might as well submit.
As far as I know, there isn't a way to erase referrals, so if you get 20 more greens, you'll still have those 2 that aren't unique, and you still might have a chance of getting your account put on hold, not just those referrals.
I submitted for approval without knowing the people that signed up under me either, and everything went fine, so I don't think you should be too worried )
16-11-2004 21:10:09
I would say that you are screwed because Gratis is finding anyway to put people on hold now. Just check the account issue forum and you will see that most of the people have no clue why they are on hold, and Gratis doesn't tell anyone why they are on hold. If you think your referrals are going to get you put on hold, they will. You should just submit it anyway because you can't remove referrals from your account. Don't expect an Ipod though.
16-11-2004 21:13:48
When I got 10 greens for my FDPC, I was wondering whether I should wait until I get a few more greens just in case. Then I clicked on the request for approval link on an impulse...
But good news, it went through fine! D
18-11-2004 23:26:12
hey just to update everyone
today I got word back that those two offers weren't approved. However, I was NOT put on hold (thank God). So I just need to get the two more and that's easy enough. Whew! I was getting scared for a while