14-11-2004 19:47:04
can someone please PM me a good conga line for freephotoipods, or free ipods.
im really struggling to get my referrals completed cry
or can you IM me it via AIM at corywdavis
thanks alot for your help
14-11-2004 20:03:04
Well the statement "im really struggling to get my referrals completed " leads me to believe you already have accounts for both. Congas are for people without accounts as you have to sign up under the current referral link found at the top of the conga line. Which you can't do because you already have signed up.
14-11-2004 20:15:16
We're both in the same boat...I'm having trouble finding people. No one has helped me as of yet.
14-11-2004 23:41:49
We can't help you. We are too busy helping ourselves. We're not just gonna stop trying to get our stuff and get you all the referrals. We want our stuff too.
14-11-2004 23:48:22
just use http//
15-11-2004 00:35:46
[quote27cddfe9c1="PL4Y 1T L0UD"]banned?[/quote27cddfe9c1]
what are you talking about?
15-11-2004 07:32:40
[quote94007cd02b="emoemodude"]We can't help you. We are too busy helping ourselves. We're not just gonna stop trying to get our stuff and get you all the referrals. We want our stuff too.[/quote94007cd02b]
ha ill sit there and try to get refferals for someone for $20 and hour P