06-02-2006 18:48:46
Supposedly instant credit for this offer, update as you have info on it.
From the terms, if you do this offer, read terms closely
If you choose to licoughli without any additional order other than the promotion order, you will be charged a $20.00 licoughli fee and forfeit your right to anymore promotional orders.
20-04-2006 12:06:25
has anyone had any luck w/ this offer? instant credit, huh? does it really go green right away like some of the others?
20-04-2006 12:09:54
It took 3 days to credit for me, even though it said instant. I don't mind though, I love coffee and had a legitimate interest in the offer. I cancelled the auto-ship feature, since I don't drink a ton of coffee at home, but I plan on ordering from them again.
22-04-2006 21:04:09
It credited instant. The only problem is that it is $20 to cancel, or you have to order atleast one more shipment.
23-04-2006 04:59:52
[quote7813dd12b4="Shmigga"]It credited instant. The only problem is that it is $20 to cancel, or you have to order atleast one more shipment.[/quote7813dd12b4]
Yup... it's good coffee though, so don't do the offer unless you are legitimately interested in coffee.
24-04-2006 13:45:45
how much is it for the second shipment of coffee? i'm getting the coffe for my mom, so i don't care if i have to pay.
instant green too, so that's all that really matterd lol
24-04-2006 13:53:21
then what's the point of canceling? pay $20 to cancel or pay $20 to get your coffee and then cancel after your second shipment? is there something i'm missing?
24-04-2006 14:12:09
The coffee is excellent, my wife was addicted to it until the doc suggested we both cut back on the coffee.
24-04-2006 20:04:51
Yeah, I just ordered another shipment of coffee. I think it may have been $17 i'm not sure though. But yes it is good coffee.