Shipped/not shipped map
https//[" alt=""/img1e80bfaa70]
If you want more detail/accuracy to this map, tell me your info (STV date, state, shipped/not shipped) so I can add it.
14-11-2004 06:20:26
Nice job man
10/13 STV
Order 4617##
14-11-2004 06:49:50
10/28 STV in VT not shipped.
14-11-2004 07:09:00
I'm 10/13 STV in WI. I heard a good theory that makes a little sense. Maybe their shipping them alphbetically by state?
14-11-2004 07:33:04
sorry thats not true
14-11-2004 07:40:22
yeah um... i'm in MA and i have not been shipped.
14-11-2004 07:45:04
lmfao @ this
14-11-2004 09:14:38
I didn't know who had shipped and who hadn't, it was worth a shot though.
14-11-2004 09:27:39
10/13 STV
14-11-2004 09:29:40
partially shipped?
14-11-2004 10:05:13
I know someone from Boise ID shippped... Spyder?
I'm still not shipped here.
14-11-2004 10:40:20
10/13 not shipped texas
good idea for a map
14-11-2004 11:36:01
[quote276132104d="zed2004"]partially shipped?[/quote276132104d]
yes some of the NYC orders have switched to shipped, but i dont think anyone upstate has had their orders switched to shipped yet. hopefully tonight ario will be able to change his map to all of new york being shipped.
oh yeah ario, awesome work by the way, its nice to see someone else who cares about the community.
14-11-2004 12:01:22
looks like hillary clinton is ahead lol
[quotec0dd34303d="Bungholio"]Nice job man
10/13 STV
Order 4617##
have you shipped?
[quoteb86d390199="jazzman"]I'm 10/13 STV in WI. I heard a good theory that makes a little sense. Maybe their shipping them alphbetically by state?
I'll assume not shipped.
As for "partially shipped", that means that some people from that state have shipped and some have not. Here's the updated map. "N=46" means that this is information compiled from 46 different people
http//[" alt=""/img5d45077a54]
14-11-2004 13:16:41
I am NY... Long Island to be exact.
10/22 STV
The Jawa
14-11-2004 14:44:10
10/13 stv blacksburg va
order # 4616xx
Greasy Hamburger
14-11-2004 15:14:32
Here's a theory.... they don't ship based upon state. WOW, this is the most worthless thread ever.
14-11-2004 15:18:22
no Nader is winning lol
14-11-2004 16:09:26
10/22 STV NJ Shipped 11/14
[quote86b804fe6a="Greasy Hamburger"]Here's a theory.... they don't ship based upon state. WOW, this is the most worthless thread ever.[/quote86b804fe6a]
Here's a theory.. YEAH, actually they do. That's why when batches of people ship, they're all in the same state.
Greasy Hamburger
14-11-2004 16:41:15
14-11-2004 18:26:48
14-11-2004 18:34:28
i think he is mainly looking for people to post there information for states that he doesnt already have marked on the map.
its definitely possible that there is a bunch of states that no one ordered free ipods from right ario? i'll let you know at about 1AM EST whether or not my order switched to shipped (i am from NY, one of those gray area states where some people have shipped but others have not still) just in case you didnt already know
you wouldnt switch tonight... 1am tonight counts as sunday...
you'll know tomorrow
14-11-2004 18:56:19
oh cool, thanks for shootin my hope down lol
just kiddin, but at least i wont be expecting a change tonight
[quoteedacf2fe89="The Jawa"]10/13 stv blacksburg va
order # 4616xx[/quoteedacf2fe89]
shipped or not?
14-11-2004 19:21:14
phew Oregon isnt shipped yet, maybe i can still get in for the next batch lol
shootin down hope? nah
i just didnt want you stayin up til 1, then being like shit no one shipped
14-11-2004 19:32:40
i stay up til 5AM every night anyway D and its not like i havent been let down almost every night since halloween at the 1AM mark. maybe i can just pretend i'm not getting an ipod for a few nights and just concentrate on downloading free movies
good plan
14-11-2004 20:32:28
fuck that, newsgroups are the real place to go to get good movies, though torrents are pretty cool sometimes, iff you feel like waiting.
what is emule by the way? is it just p2p like the kazaa programs were? i use areslite for p2p now, it works very well
14-11-2004 20:40:24
There are people who went STV on 10/13, and they are in IL and have shipped, just for your info. Its in another thread.
14-11-2004 21:09:34
nice... I love the "no presincts reporting"
14-11-2004 23:37:29
lol i like the "no precints reporting" caption...hehe
Good job man, +Karma
14-11-2004 23:38:47
Damn i wish i could take off the karma i just gave you, how can you say emule is good? hehe j/k, enjoy your karma wink P
Thanks guys... here's the new map. Only a few changes since no one new has shipped
http//[" alt=""/img98ca1752a2]
15-11-2004 00:53:17
Just FYI, I'm in SC, am 10/13 STV and not shipped...thanks!
15-11-2004 04:28:08
ill find out how apple is shipping them if anyone really cares to know
Just to let everyone know ACI/Apple uses Ingram Micro for logistics so DONT get confused with your items coming from Ingram Micro, they ARNT. They are ACI stock.
I saw another user post an Ingram Micro price sheet. That was an Ingram Micro SKU and has nothing to do with current stock that apple has. They have different SKU's. Just because Ingram is sold out means absolutely nothing.
10/13 STV
15-11-2004 11:31:12
Hey guys, I'm new here 1st post.
I'm TN STV 10/22 Not Shipped.
Does anyone else think this map should be stickied? I mean its very useful.
15-11-2004 11:33:55
i second that motion toward STICKY
15-11-2004 11:40:22
3rd motion to sticky the map. it's a great job and it does help to a certain degree.
the sticky would only work for the octobers, then it becomes non sticky... i think it makes more sense just to bump it
15-11-2004 11:54:23
I agree, it's a cool map, and nicely done, but how does knowing that I'm 7/23 shipped and received to MA help anyone at this point?
If OP was willing to do a map for every month and continuously update it that would be awesome for everyone, but I doubt that's likely to happen. I'm certain you could do a info dump someplace with 3 input boxes that would dump to a database and as the info was compiled, it would auto-update the map. Using that method, you'd just run a new map for each month, which would be very easy to do.
15-11-2004 13:02:02
An auto-updated map would be cool, and easy to update.
easy for people to fuck up though, i could see a lot of people fucking with it, submitting they were shipped for dates that they werent
15-11-2004 15:58:16
yeft what was the point based site again?
15-11-2004 16:04:44
[quotec005ff0d53="yeft"]easy for people to fuck up though, i could see a lot of people fucking with it, submitting they were shipped for dates that they werent[/quotec005ff0d53]
what would be the point? Or for that matter the difference between posting BS info here anyway? I didn't volunteer to write the script, I just said that it's an easy script to write.
15-11-2004 16:26:50
[quoteebba7c4998="chillywilly"]I know someone from Boise ID shippped... Spyder?
I'm still not shipped here.
Yep...Listening to the free ipod right now...10/13 STV, Shipped 11/9, Received 11/11 Boise, ID
[quoteacad9f8938="r2d2_unit"]yeft what was the point based site again?[/quoteacad9f8938]
are you talking about ?
i'm sure gratis forgot they ran that one, i've been processing since 11/3 for thesee damn headphones
I do think this thread is worth stickying... I think an auto-updated map could be a good idea, but has more potential for abuse than this. I think people would be more likely to screw with something when they could automatically see it updated. I don't mind updating it myself, and also I keep a list of everyone who's contributed their info so I don't put something in twice. If someone wants to make the auto-map, though, feel free. As for this only being useful for the October STVs, that's true, but they're the only ones waiting right now. Once we get some November STV dates, me or someone else can make the map for that. BTW, I'll post the next map in an hour or so, after any 1 am shippings are posted.
Okay, here's the new map. I still can't really see much in the way of regional patterns. (Sigh) looks like no one new has shipped tonight. This map has some updates from new people posting their info, though.
https//[" alt=""/img2a836b76d9]
15-11-2004 23:08:28
My status says "Shipped", and UPS has a tracking number for my iPod.
Las Vegas, NV
16-11-2004 06:05:04
haha, people have way too much time on their hands, but this is awesome! good job man )
10/22 STV
Shipped 11/11
16-11-2004 06:17:52
10/22 STV
Order #4637XX
still not shipped.
16-11-2004 07:09:28
It still really looks like their shipping alphabetically, if you look at the overall pattern. I know there are a lot of missing states, but not everyone that orders a free ipod is on this site. I wish there was some way to ask gratis what states have shipped.
16-11-2004 07:31:52
so by that, wouldn't ohio, and pennsylvania be coming up pretty soon?
16-11-2004 08:01:19
[quote84f3a745a7="flyjumpseat"]My status says "Shipped", and UPS has a tracking number for my iPod.
Las Vegas, NV[/quote84f3a745a7]
Wow.. this is getting closer to Utah. Thanks for the post to boost my hopes.
16-11-2004 08:07:32
You guys cant see the pattern??? Its quite obvious to me....
16-11-2004 08:10:42
Alphabetical by state? Your map shows that people from Tennessee have shipped, yet someone from Oklahoma is reporting that they did not ship. You're wasting your time.. drawing bullshit maps doesn't speed up the process.
16-11-2004 08:17:44
[quote1573a8c9ff="CollidgeGraduit"]Alphabetical by state? Your map shows that people from Tennessee have shipped, yet someone from Oklahoma is reporting that they did not ship.[/quote1573a8c9ff]
I agree that I don't think it's alphabetical by state. It's more various regions if anything.
And from regions, it may very well be based on the number of people from that area. Some like Boise, ID don't make sense unless there were a lot there that are not online out here.
Even still, I think the map helps to some degree... at least giving us a view of who's shipped or not.
I personally can only sort of see patterns, nothing concrete enough to predict who's next though. As for alphabetical... it sort is following that trend, yes, but not completely. There are also plenty of states that have had people shipped for over a week but still have others who haven't shipped.
Incidentally, is it quite appropriate for a moderator to be calling another user's helpful gesture "bullshit?" I know it doesn't speed up the process, but it doesn't really harm anything, now, does it? I like making the map, it doesn't take me long, and obviously people like looking at it. Why don't you just chill out, Yolanda.
In case anyone's interested, here's the state-by-state breakdown, percentage-wise (blank means no info, not zero)
Alabama 100%
California 50
Connecticut 100
Florida 50
Georgia 100
Idaho 100
Illinois 100
Iowa 100
Kentucky 100
Louisiana 100
Maryland 0
Massachusetts 50
Michigan 0
Nevada 100
New Hampshire
New Jersey 71
New Mexico
New York 43
North Carolina 100
North Dakota
Ohio 0
Oklahoma 0
Oregon 0
Pennsylvania 0
Rhode Island
South Carolina 0
South Dakota
Tennessee 100
Texas 0
Utah 0
Vermont 0
Virginia 0
Washington 0
West Virginia
Wisconsin 0
16-11-2004 09:22:00
I'm in TN and I have not shipped like I said earlier. But the map says all of TN has shipped.
So let me clarify
TN STV 10/22 NOT Shipped
My mistake, Blavitch. No new shippings, but here's the updated/corrected map anyway. States that have changed since the last map have been marked with a 'C'
https//[" alt=""/imgc0c9fe41d3]
17-11-2004 13:12:30
That's fine, I think it just further supports the slight trend of the shipping being alphabetical.
I heard a lot of people have been shipping from tn. I live there. If they're waiting to avoid taxes...I'll be pissed.
17-11-2004 16:50:49
Location Providence, RI
Ordered 10/05/04
STV 10/13/04
Order 4617XX
Still not shipped. First time post.
(sigh) No new shipping. Here's the new map; changes marked with a C
http//[" alt=""/imgf861dbacab]
18-11-2004 02:14:07
Hey Ario,
Good idea on the map, but you really need to keep dates on it to notice any trends. Just from looking through lots of posts, it seems like the west was first (I know I saw a Seattle when Cali started shipping), followed by the south (some of TX definitely shipped a week after Cali), the east (some VAs shipped right before NJ), and then the northeast. Notice that for the most part, more commercialized states and areas are shipping relatively faster than the states around them, which I think has to do with how Fedex automatically piggybacks their shipments so that iPods with no deadlines will get there along with whatever else happens to be going that way and maybe with Apple shipping things regionally as their local distributors and retailers require them to.
I think the most useful thing to do would be for everyone to call their local Apple store to finf out when their last shipment came in and whne the next one will be, to see if it correlates with when they actually get their iPods.
Almost no one has been posting the date that their status changed to shipping, so I don't really know how to add that to the map. If you mean dates when people went STV, my data shows that has almost nothing to do with when you ship.
18-11-2004 14:34:02
Yeah, lotsa people here just don't read, and it is obvious that STV dates don't mean jack so I don't know why everyone insists on posting them all over the place. To add dates you could just put colored dots representing individual dates, or groups of dates if it starts to get too crazy with the number of colors. Of course, getting people to post their shipping dates is kind of hard. Maybe you should request a simple format like this, telling ONLY the October STVs to post their shipping dates with NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS
I'm an october STV
I shipped on 11/15.
This is a very difficult endeavor though, I tried to start a thread doing something similar a few weeks ago and lots of people for some reason just don't follow the directions. roll
18-11-2004 18:03:56
people on here are just worried about getting their ipods, very seldom does any advice get heeded, most of the time people just create an entirely new thread instead of considering the possibility that someone has had a similar thought in the not so distant past. ah well, what can ya do?
but your idea is good, you should start working on something with ario to kill the time for your wait bro
19-11-2004 10:21:36
Mine arrived today!!! I'm still STV 10/13 on, but I'm looking at the box right now.
So, here's some info, if anybody cares
I'm in Michigan, STV on 10/13
Received 11/19
Received From ACI, 2811 Laguna Blvd, Elk Grove, CA
Via FedEx Home Delivery
Part No. M9282LL/A
Not sure where to look for the reference number, and I have no clue when it shipped, but I'm assuming early this week... ?
19-11-2004 10:29:22
THERE MAY BE HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! nerdbot Where in michigan are you? I'm in the metro detroit area I cant wait for mine i'm still stv 10/13.
Any other Michigan people get theres or changed to shipped
Looks like MI's are getting delivered. I am still STV on but I just got the box a couple of minutes ago.
Hopefully, bebe and all the other MI peeps get theirs very soon. D
I'm in Michigan, STV on 10/22 [STILL STV ON FREEIPODS.COM]
Received 11/19
Received From ACI, 2811 Laguna Blvd, Elk Grove, CA
Via FedEx Home Delivery
19-11-2004 10:48:22
Gratz fellas...hope we get some love down here in TX!
Yeah, seriously... come on TX.
20-11-2004 03:22:04
but your idea is good, you should start working on something with ario to kill the time for your wait bro
Yeah, studying.... I'd love to get this together but its just so damned hard to get people to read. We'd have to get a mod to make a sticky with the rules typed out in bold and instant banning for anyone that doesn't follow them letter for letter. In any case, mine should be getting here later today so the wait is finally over!
Now to finish up my offercentric...
michigan is partially shipped, i just got mine
[quotee19c961bb0]Hopefully, bebe and all the other MI peeps get theirs very soon. [/quotee19c961bb0]
got mine and im in michigan, status didnt change on their site )
i was so suprised, because somehting else i ordered came today too
20-11-2004 11:22:46
I'm an MI, STV 10/13, but no package today. Good news though is that I called FedEx and they say I have a package coming on the 24th! So perhaps by next Wednesday I'll have a pod! Here's hopin!
Okay, here's the newest map; changes marked with a C
http//[" alt=""/img8a6eea2fa9]
Looks like well over half of October STVs have shipped by now. The rest of us are officially being screwed.
[quotef2a5abe773="mindseye1"]I'm an MI, STV 10/13, but no package today. Good news though is that I called FedEx and they say I have a package coming on the 24th! So perhaps by next Wednesday I'll have a pod! Here's hopin![/quotef2a5abe773]
I'm hoping for you to D
Whats the number I would call to see If I have a package coming to me.
And what would I say?
Thanks in advance for any help.
20-11-2004 13:53:51
it seems that gratis is choosing big cities where they have a lot of customers waiting to deliver to first, maybe state has less to do with how many peole from each specific area were ordering? ario lemme know what you think, you have been in contact with this info for a while so you would prolly know if i'm just being opppositional
That seems possible, to an extent. I don't have access to much more data than you--all I've got is a non-random sample of whoever was willing to give their info, and I've mostly got states only, no cities or anything. It also seems weird that Texas would be entirely unshipped if they were shipping areas with lots of people at the same time. Hopefully that means that Texas is soon. That would make some sense, though. I can send you my Excel file which has percentages by state and STV date, if you want.
20-11-2004 15:27:50
I just have to wonder then why I(Rhode Island) haven't been shipped yet. I am sandwiched here right between two states that have shipped.
Probably because you guys get almost 1 electoral vote per county
20-11-2004 16:31:39
update the map! STV 10/22 from MD delivered today...too bad I wasn't home shock
20-11-2004 16:40:33
hmmm....MA, MD, MI all get their ipods. Interesting pattern.
20-11-2004 19:03:38
20-11-2004 23:12:26
sweet deal huh idris? same here with the not updated... i wasn't here to get the package...door tag says 1120 attempted delivery, I left at 1210, funny how no one knocked and there was no door tag when I left...they'll be back tuesday x
Okay, here's the new map, changes marked with a 'C.' Washington DC is only 2x2 pixels in this map, but it is now green
https//[" alt=""/img8ef63f0247]
In a few minutes I'm going to post the percentages shipped by state and STV. I think there is a relatively clear pattern.
Here is the breakdown percentagewise by state and STV
https//[" alt=""/img1477526f27]
Obviously this is not scientific or total.. this is only people who have reported their information to me or whose information I have recorded from their posts in other threads. While the pattern is not absolute, it does strongly appear that they are shipping alphabetically by state, with stronger emphasis on earlier STV dates. I believe a few 10/28 STV's have shipped, but none have reported any of their information to me. I have no data at all for 10/6 STV's so they are not shown on here.
21-11-2004 01:59:12
according to that no 10/28's have shipped at all. damn maybe i'm longer to wait then i thought... this sucks, if anyone is stv 10/28 and shipped please post your info it could save a young child's life!
Notice, though, that I only have the info for four 10/28's on there, all of them in states that have only partially shipped or not at all for other dates.
21-11-2004 04:32:05
Hey ario, can you keep posting the percentage data sheet as things change? Now that a pattern is developing, I think it's a bit more helpful than the map.
21-11-2004 14:27:16
Thanks, ario, and thanks for feeding our obsession.
Of course. I want my iPod just as badly as anyone else. My girlfriend pointed out that spending all this time on a map won't make it come any faster. She's right. I have no defense. Oh well.
21-11-2004 18:09:02
Does anyone know how fast they ship out? It's obvious that they are shipping alphabetically by state. How quick are they moving through?
21-11-2004 22:34:42
[quotea33cc012e1="ario"]Of course. I want my iPod just as badly as anyone else. My girlfriend pointed out that spending all this time on a map won't make it come any faster. She's right. I have no defense. Oh well.[/quotea33cc012e1]
LOL... well, regardless of the obsession, your efforts are much appreciated.
and my g/f also takes jabs at my obsession as well.
I wonder if there's any correlation between have a girlfriend vs. being shipped or not...
ps map will be posted shortly
Okay well I've just compiled the new data and there are no changes to the map since last time, so here's the last map again
https//[" alt=""/img073d9ec287]
22-11-2004 02:08:36
it appears no one in oklahoma has a computer lol
22-11-2004 05:19:59
10/15 - Processing
10/22 - STV
Received today
It was shipped 11/17 but My status never changed.
Im so happy I got it before thanksgiving D
22-11-2004 06:33:20
bebe, what state are you in?
[quote53990dda21="UberLucid"]bebe, what state are you in?[/quote53990dda21]
I'm in Detroit,Michigan
22-11-2004 07:04:23
Received today
It was shipped 11/17 but My status never changed.
Im so happy I got it before thanksgiving D[/quotec9a1464f86]
Awesome! I was gonna get you the FedEx phone number, but it looks like you won't be needing it now! ;)
Have fun with your new pod!
22-11-2004 07:28:24
congrats bebe.
Enjoy your iPod.
Thank you! I sure will I cant wait for it to charge.
mindseye1, You have fun too.
chillywilly, I hope you get yours soon.
Chip Chanko
22-11-2004 07:40:39
I'm a 10/13 in VA who has not received his yet...still STV. I noted that there is no one down on the percentage chart for this.
22-11-2004 09:11:42
I am also a 10/13 STV in VA who has not been shipped. VA is marked as not shipped in the Oct 22 column.. the zero is for 0% shipped. I guess they can add another 0 to the 10/13 column though too.
The Jawa
22-11-2004 09:33:03
i'm also a 10/13 stv in VA whose numbers haven't been recorded.
i ordered on 10/5, went stv on the 13th, and as of noon on 11/22 still haven't shipped.
i'm hoping i end up like bebe and just get a surprise.
i also hope that my random roomate doesn't steal my ipod since i'm home on break.
22-11-2004 11:51:48
thanks for the hope, bebe.
I would venture to guess that based on ario's charts and maps, they are shipping alphabetically, which would mean if that is the case, Texas people will get their ipods before us Utah people get ours... then VA people will get theirs about the same time or a bit later than Utah.
Now the only question left is how soon will they ship to states that start with O and P?
22-11-2004 12:36:04
well heres to hoping that when I get home there will be a surprise package on my doorstep. it seems a bunch of other people have been getting them lately.
22-11-2004 16:10:56
Guess who's the new proud owner of an iPod? Yup, sitting on my desk when I got home, 2 days early too!
Ordered 10/4
STV 10/13
Never changed to Shipped status
Arrived 11/22
Now Gratis, why don't you get your act together so you can get all these other fine people their iPods! ;)
22-11-2004 16:46:02
[quoteea85d895e3="r2d2_unit"]it appears no one in oklahoma has a computer lol[/quoteea85d895e3]
it appears no one in the central US has a computer lol
22-11-2004 16:47:02
Congrats Mindseye.
Can't wait to see Texas ship... cause then Utah lishouldli be next.
22-11-2004 18:43:57
liShouldli, but if thats the case then what happened to PA? I was hoping that the alphabetical thing would be to us by now... oh well, its free.... I'll just sit here and read useless threads to occupy myself
22-11-2004 19:34:45
oh yeah! I just joined the forums this very hour and already posting like a pro... wink Anyways to the point 10-13 STV Tennessee[/color01f41d83eb]
22-11-2004 19:54:28
Alright, here's the new map. Changes in color are marked with a C. The new percentage chart will be posted soon
http//[" alt=""/img413a38dd30]
By the way, grant, do you think you could change your avatar? It screws with the cursor.
Here's the new percentage map. Changes/updates since the last map are highlighted in blue
http//[" alt=""/img905bcf7e0d]
(sigh) I hate the alphabet. My last name starts with an S and my state starts with a T. I'm always last.
23-11-2004 06:58:16
[quote3131b98aaf="ario"](sigh) I hate the alphabet. My last name starts with an S and my state starts with a T. I'm always last.[/quote3131b98aaf]
My name starts with W, so don't go complaining there. I'm just glad that I don't live in Washington right now. wink
23-11-2004 07:04:30
Ario, your last name starts with S? it Speedwagon?
Get it?! Ario Speedwagon!? R- E - O Speedwagon?!
Man I kill me.
23-11-2004 07:57:11
We are more than half way through the alphabet now on states that shipped.
Until I see Texas shipping, I've decided not to check my FiP account Too frustrating seeing the same message.
But again, thanks to ario, it's nice to see a pattern that makes sense and that gives those us us in the N-W states hope.
[quote6f4af28a61="azture"][quote6f4af28a61="ario"](sigh) I hate the alphabet. My last name starts with an S and my state starts with a T. I'm always last.[/quote6f4af28a61]
My name starts with W, so don't go complaining there. I'm just glad that I don't live in Washington right now. wink[/quote6f4af28a61]
Well, what state are you in?
23-11-2004 17:14:10
Oh, I'm in Oregon. So if this theory is correct (which I'm really thinking it is) then I should be getting mine before you, ario. And for that, I'm sorry. I'm dying of anticipation!
23-11-2004 17:22:52
Hi~ I'm just dropping by to update my status.
10/13 stv
11/23 shipped
23-11-2004 17:24:14
Updating my status.
Was STV 10/13
STV 11/23
still not shipped.
Thanks for updating, guys. I hate having to look for people's changes myself or PM them.
23-11-2004 18:45:07
yeah im 11/23 now too, still stv
23-11-2004 22:09:11
As the sole Vermonter in the crowd, I was a 10/28 STV, now bumped to 11/23 STV.
23-11-2004 22:10:47
Actually it gets even more strange. I used to be a 10/28 STV, now one screen says Im a 10/22 STV, and then it shows the bump to 11/23. Crazy.
23-11-2004 23:21:31
[quote24075ff37c="craigb"]Actually it gets even more strange. I used to be a 10/28 STV, now one screen says Im a 10/22 STV, and then it shows the bump to 11/23. Crazy.[/quote24075ff37c]
its always said 10/22 on that first screen... its the date you submitted your order for approval...
24-11-2004 03:16:11
Formerly a 10/22, now 11/23
PA, not shipped
24-11-2004 05:05:20
so what does being switched from 10/22 to 11/23 actually mean? I'm yet another one that got switched yesterday.
But on a side note, I recieved my order from freegiftplanet yesterday.
24-11-2004 05:14:23
[quote3ab14dc023="stuthemonkey"]so what does being switched from 10/22 to 11/23 actually mean? I'm yet another one that got switched yesterday.
But on a side note, I recieved my order from freegiftplanet yesterday.[/quote3ab14dc023]
There are lots of thoughts on this issue in the other thread, but I'm hoping the theory that turns out true is that they switched to a better vendor and we were all put on the list... THEN.... we get shipped by the first week of December. Again... that's just a theory. Only time will tell.
24-11-2004 07:23:00
[quote8777754f38="TinLemon"]There are lots of thoughts on this issue in the other thread, but I'm hoping the theory that turns out true is that they switched to a better vendor and we were all put on the list... THEN.... we get shipped by the first week of December. Again... that's just a theory. Only time will tell.[/quote8777754f38]
That's the theory I'm sticking to.
I am also PA 10/22 STV switched to 11/23, why? i dont know
26-11-2004 09:13:32
alphabet? im in NY (partially shipped) and my last name begins with a B!
i'm a 10/13
By the way, I'm taking a break for Thanksgiving. I don't think there have been any new states shipped since my last map, anyway. I'll make a new one on Monday or so.
26-11-2004 16:23:53
i think that the same thing is happening to us as the kids in late summer early autumn had to go through.
26-11-2004 16:33:59
[quote553aade333="chillywilly"][quote553aade333="TinLemon"]There are lots of thoughts on this issue in the other thread, but I'm hoping the theory that turns out true is that they switched to a better vendor and we were all put on the list... THEN.... we get shipped by the first week of December. Again... that's just a theory. Only time will tell.[/quote553aade333]
That's the theory I'm sticking to.[/quote553aade333]
Very probable...i'm with ya! )
29-11-2004 11:25:47
[quoteaf1288647a="ario"]By the way, I'm taking a break for Thanksgiving. I don't think there have been any new states shipped since my last map, anyway. I'll make a new one on Monday or so.[/quoteaf1288647a]
No rush, ario. I'd say no action till at least Wed of this week, unless someone notices changes at the 1am update (if that is still happening).
30-11-2004 20:46:33
This is getting bad. Last night, I had a dream about all of us getting our ipods. It was great. It happened like this...doodaloo doodaloo doodaloo (Wayne's World Dream Noise)
I got back from class around 2pm...I checked my email and I had twenty of those "Bar of soap" emails...I linked to the site and I literally watched Ario's map turn green state by state. I rushed out the door to my campus mail room and saw that it had arrived. I got my package, rushed home, started charging the ipod, took a picture with my digital camera, and posted it on the forum."
Then I woke up and had to deal with the fact that I still don't have my ipod. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Next, I will be dreaming of a white christmas...HA! I wonder which will come first.
that is so sick....
+ karma for you!
Wow. I am honestly touched and slightly weirded out that my creation has worked its way into the dream of someone I have never even met.
Okay, well, I can't find any new info since I posted my last map, but my host company has also pulled my subscription, so I'm reposting the map (on another host)
http//[" alt=""/img7b5e999152]
01-12-2004 10:02:35
yeft.. how'd you get an 'ungrateful fuck' tag?
01-12-2004 13:40:20
i had a dream about getting mine to. i went to the site and said shipped and stuff.
im a freako (
(sigh) it's been like two weeks since i've had any updates for this map
02-12-2004 07:29:52
Im from Long Island, NY 10/22 STV. Not Shipped.
02-12-2004 13:53:28
STV 11-23
02-12-2004 13:56:36
Est. delivery 12/7.
Have fun with the map update.
02-12-2004 13:59:47
est deliv 12/3
02-12-2004 14:03:18
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! Treydawg was right...Props to him!
STV 10/13/04
STV 11/23/04
SHIPPED!!!!!!!! 12/02/04
Estimated Delivery 12/06/04
It finally happened!!!!
02-12-2004 14:10:24
just got shipped!! estimated arrival date= 12-2!! shipped via DHL
02-12-2004 14:10:46
OMG !!!
10/22 STV
sometime like 11/10 <-- ON HOLD
11/23 STV..
today.. 12/2 SHIPPED!!!!!!!!!
02-12-2004 14:13:18
Ario's got his work cut out for him tonight.
Shame this post isn't stickied.
02-12-2004 14:45:12
Update that map, because I'VE BEEN SHIPPED!! WOOHOO!
STV - 11/23
SHIPPED - 12/2
Est Deliver - 12/3 Southbend, IN to Northern VA overnight... I hope this est is accurate!
02-12-2004 14:46:46
10/12 switched 11/22
shipped 12/2
I never use more than one exclamation point. Fuckin' A.
ps I'm in TX.
pps I'll update the map tonight.
Estimated delivery 12/6. Monday... not as good as tomorrow, but fuck yeah!
02-12-2004 16:31:34
I dont see anyone bitching about not being shipped so I have a feeling most is not all of the map will be green
The Jawa
02-12-2004 16:57:03
Blacksburg VA finally shipped
from EFULLFILLMENT via DHL from Traverse City, MI
status changed 12/2/2004 at 410 pm
it's about time
and thebatbones dream comes true
light up that map vana
02-12-2004 17:50:43
and oh how sweet it is
02-12-2004 18:02:23
11/23 STV
Mark it green on the map!
02-12-2004 18:06:30
Chip Chanko
02-12-2004 19:32:50
10/13 STV changed to 11/23 STV
to VA arriving friday 12/3
02-12-2004 19:41:17
10/13 SHIPPED!!!!!!!!!!!
02-12-2004 21:59:12
Oregon 10/13 shipped! So happy now. Like none other.
02-12-2004 23:09:55
WA 10/18->11/23 STV has finally shipped! D
02-12-2004 23:16:34
Shipped 12/02
03-12-2004 00:06:17
10-22 STV
12-02 Shipped )
South Dakota