12-11-2004 21:47:33
For those 10/22s who have shipped, did you order regular 20GB ipod or 4GB ipod mini? My roommate ordered the mini and he's still STV while i orderd the regular and already got it...
are there any 10/22s out there who have been sent their ipod minis or is it just the normal ones who are receiving theirs?
12-11-2004 21:51:44
heres a thread that might help you out
says minis might be 6-8 weeks...
12-11-2004 22:52:27
thanks for the link, but it didnt say whether anyone who got shipped were ipod minis. thast the generic email they send everyone....so minis CAN take 6-8 weeks...but i wonder if any shipped recently for the 10/22 group
13-11-2004 08:54:34
I got my 20 giggeroo on Wednesday