my brother and i have the same billing address?

Live forum:


18-09-2004 08:02:29

Hey kids,

My brother and I have the same billing address b/c he still lives at home and I still have my bills sent home while I'm living at school. Is this trouble? I guess I could have my billing address changed to my school address, but that's a hassle and I don't want the address change to cause problems if it doesn't take effect right away. Should I just not have my brother sign up as my referral? I can't imagine myself turning down a willing referral, but...




18-09-2004 08:04:48

If he has his own legit information make him sign up somewhere else besides your house. But remember NOT MORE THAN 1 ACCOUNT PER HOUSEHOLD. If he signs up using your same computer with the same shipping adress, you will get put on hold.


18-09-2004 08:10:01

We definitely have different shipping addresses b/c I'm living in a different state right now ;)

We wouldn't use the same computer or shipping address, but my billing address will be the same as his shipping address and his billing address.

Whether he signs up from a friend's house or whatever, the shipping/billing info would still be the same anyway, I'm just worried that they will consider having the same billing address as being in the same household.


11-01-2005 02:57:01


hey you guys tell us to use the search -p . Well I did and I have a situation where I am at college (I signed up with my school address) but I then told my sister to create an account at home and she completed an offer. The only thing is we have the same billing address just like ^_^ however my offer was mailed to my school address. Thanks for your help

P.S. It's insane what we do for free stuff.


11-01-2005 05:00:15

<laughs at the dumbasses signing up more than 1 time per address>