18-09-2004 03:43:49
I dont know if this has been answered but will hp provide support for hp ipods or apple? or both? Just curious...any feedback would be appreciated greatly.
18-09-2004 06:35:08
Ummm, well I don't know but why don't you just call apple if it's an apple iPod, HP if its an HPod
18-09-2004 19:47:00
18-09-2004 20:12:09
Wow....the HP tech support alone is a good reason to go with the hPod. I know that their support is all outsourced, but at least it's FREE no matter how old the stuff is. I called Compaq support for a freakin' AMD K6 Presario that was at least 8 years old and they didn't charge me a thing.
Another reason why Apple's elitist attitude bugs the shit out of me. P
19-09-2004 00:06:26
thanks guys on the feedback