for the freeipods? i did infone before but it was for the free flatscreens and my account wasnt even credited even after i emailed the assholes...
so what about freeipods? i'd prefer an ipod for the gym anyway, and can anyone let me know what the cheapest ( or free) offer is for it that can be completed easily and will actually credit my acct. this time? thanks..
11-11-2004 20:32:11
Video Processor, My Inks, Infone, and a few others are pretty good cuz they get you credited pretty fast.
12-11-2004 07:37:13
yea but video professor, i heard that it sends you some shit and charges your account 75 bucks, and you have to hurry up and cancel and send the shit back and its a hassle. i dont know thats just what i heard, if someone has done it please chime in. HOW DO YOU DO THE VIDEO PROF OFFER WITHOUT GETTING CHARGED ?
12-11-2004 08:27:30
Infone. They ask for a credit card but don't charge you unless you use their service. Video Professor claims they charge 6.95 for shipping but they only charged me $3.
12-11-2004 08:58:52
[quote9eddbb2642="pavilion"]Infone. They ask for a credit card but don't charge you unless you use their service. Video Professor claims they charge 6.95 for shipping but they only charged me $3.[/quote9eddbb2642]
I agree, Infone is the one I would choose. If only it were up all the time! I did the offer and it was painless as well.