11-11-2004 19:02:35
Ok, I'm new so I'm apologizing in advance for this seemingly annoying question. What's a conga line? oops
11-11-2004 19:16:04
Main Entry con·ga
Pronunciation 'kä[ng]-g&
Function noun
Etymology American Spanish, probably from feminine of congo Negro, from Congo, region in Africa
1 a Cuban dance of African origin involving three steps followed by a kick and performed by a group usually in single file
2 a tall barrel-shaped or tapering drum of Afro-Cuban origin that is played with the hands
Main Entry conga line
Function noun
11-11-2004 19:33:57
its just a way for people to get referals, in return for helping the top of the line you get put at the bottom, as people at teh top finish, you move up until you are the top and you finish...
hard to find a good one...
or what brywalker said... haaaaahaaaaaaaa
11-11-2004 23:33:53
does this question get asked every week? it seems since there is a freeipodguide there should be a FAQ discussion group with all the important reference stuff pinned. (hint, hint mods) only kidding, just some constructive criticism
brywalker is right, there are two meanings, but this one
[quote04f7213c77]1 a Cuban dance of African origin involving three steps followed by a kick and performed by a group usually in single file[/quote04f7213c77]
is the one we like better ;)