Any offers known to credit fast?
18-01-2006 19:36:49
Hello all!
I have noticed that freepay's slow cediting as been affecting others, not just myself. I was wondering though, is the slow crediting due in part because of freepay or do some offers take longer than others to approve?
So I guess my real question is, "Are there offers on freepay sites known to credit within a week?"
18-01-2006 19:55:42
you could always do instant offers....they green within minutes is a good one and it's free!
18-01-2006 20:00:12
UltraBurn PM is instant.
18-01-2006 20:02:06
[quotefb243f082f="Daggoth"]UltraBurn PM is instant.[/quotefb243f082f]
took me literally less than ten seconds to green, they even sent me an email saying I was green, crazy.
18-01-2006 20:02:54
[quote341e68d3ef="DrkWarlock"]Hello all!
I have noticed that freepay's slow cediting as been affecting others, not just myself. I was wondering though, is the slow crediting due in part because of freepay or do some offers take longer than others to approve?
So I guess my real question is, "Are there offers on freepay sites known to credit within a week?"
The one weight loss one credited me the second I finished. I hit refresh and I had it. UltraBurn PM I think
18-01-2006 20:09:06
UltraBurn PM...i'll have to remember that next time i do a it free?
i'm still happy w/ my offer i've done so far!
18-01-2006 20:27:00
Wait, so we are talking about freepay, right?
Also, I have done the offers, "Complete Home," and "MusicNow." Can I expect credit anytime soon (within a week actually)?
18-01-2006 20:31:10
Yes, we are all talking about Freepay and the offers they make available. The fastest (a split second) offer I completed and received credit for was UltraBurnPM. Don't blink or you'll miss it. YES, that fast.
18-01-2006 21:00:12
efax instantly greened me......great customer service too ) .....
18-01-2006 21:04:10
[quote7ba7781e66="Pros-Pear-Eh-T"]Yes, we are all talking about Freepay and the offers they make available. The fastest (a split second) offer I completed and received credit for was UltraBurnPM. Don't blink or you'll miss it. YES, that fast.
Hmm, very interesting.
So no word on how long Complete Home or MusicNow takes to credit?
18-01-2006 21:14:31
A lot of offers credit pretty fast. The stamps offer, efax offer, video professor offer, ultra burn pm offer and the poker expert offer are known for crediting fast.
18-01-2006 21:16:53
[quote3324919b8d="AbSoLuT_xXxEr0"]efax instantly greened me......great customer service too ) .....[/quote3324919b8d]
18-01-2006 22:47:18
MusicNow takes a week to credit from my experience.
19-01-2006 06:13:33
[quote3a88b7875e="DrkWarlock"]So no word on how long Complete Home or MusicNow takes to credit?[/quote3a88b7875e]
ya, complete home is really random. there's a thread around here w/ some people that had problems...(including me... cry ) some people got thier credit, but for me i had to get manual credit....
19-01-2006 12:25:10
Seems the only offer I have out of the ones you guys have listed is Ultaburn PM. Now if I were to do this, are there additional charges I should know about besides the small shipping fee?
19-01-2006 17:15:55
I did (Date Safer, Date Smarter) and it was really fast too... basically instant as well...
19-01-2006 18:10:33
I dont understand why I dont have many of the offers you guys are listing. I thought the offers lists were the same for everyone.
19-01-2006 18:51:19
[quotea4bf44d7ad="DrkWarlock"]I dont understand why I dont have many of the offers you guys are listing. I thought the offers lists were the same for everyone.[/quotea4bf44d7ad]
what site are you doing? you're not doing the xbox360.fp are you?
20-01-2006 05:53:30
[quote1fb66b6403="crazyates"][quote1fb66b6403="DrkWarlock"]I dont understand why I dont have many of the offers you guys are listing. I thought the offers lists were the same for everyone.[/quote1fb66b6403]
what site are you doing? you're not doing the xbox360.fp are you?[/quote1fb66b6403]
Nope. Im doing ipods.freepay
20-01-2006 08:35:43
[quoteaa17f75fff="DrkWarlock"][quoteaa17f75fff="crazyates"][quoteaa17f75fff="DrkWarlock"]I dont understand why I dont have many of the offers you guys are listing. I thought the offers lists were the same for everyone.[/quoteaa17f75fff]
what site are you doing? you're not doing the xbox360.fp are you?[/quoteaa17f75fff]
Nope. Im doing ipods.freepay[/quoteaa17f75fff]
ok...the 360 has some problem of only 4 or 5 offers showing up, so that's why i asked.
different offers show up at different times, so there's no real way to be sure you'll be able to do a specific offer at any given time. fortunately, if one offer disappers it'll usually show up soon enough. you can't do any of the 3 or 4 offers that have been listed?
20-01-2006 10:52:51
[quotef2019447b9="crazyates"][quotef2019447b9="DrkWarlock"][quotef2019447b9="crazyates"][quotef2019447b9="DrkWarlock"]I dont understand why I dont have many of the offers you guys are listing. I thought the offers lists were the same for everyone.[/quotef2019447b9]
what site are you doing? you're not doing the xbox360.fp are you?[/quotef2019447b9]
Nope. Im doing ipods.freepay[/quotef2019447b9]
ok...the 360 has some problem of only 4 or 5 offers showing up, so that's why i asked.
different offers show up at different times, so there's no real way to be sure you'll be able to do a specific offer at any given time. fortunately, if one offer disappers it'll usually show up soon enough. you can't do any of the 3 or 4 offers that have been listed?[/quotef2019447b9]
Well actually, I just checked and more an more of the offers you guys have listed are showing up.
EDIT I just checked out and efax and apparently they chaged the policy. FOr efax you need to remain a member after 30 days and if you cancel during free trial then the credit will be removed. FOr, you have to compelte a profile, dont know how hard that is but just thought Id mention it.
21-01-2006 10:48:27
[quotebc479b4eaa="Shaomoki"]A lot of offers credit pretty fast. The stamps offer, efax offer, video professor offer, ultra burn pm offer and the poker expert offer are known for crediting fast.[/quotebc479b4eaa]
How fast is fast? I'm still waiting on stamps and poker expert (3 days).
21-01-2006 12:02:10
I got credited within 5 mts...Poker one I did it 12 hrs back and still waiting .
22-01-2006 13:40:46
eFAX is still very fast, less than a day.
A little off topic but how do you actually cancel Poker Expert? It seems to be web only.