Im a 8/6 - 8/10 IP3 And my hPod just showed up today!!!!

Live forum:


17-09-2004 20:36:22

Thank god, i am a happy man now.
Also my friend who was an 8/10 - 8/13 - his showed up today also with no shipping notifications.

Good word for all us early august people they might be in the mail!!!


17-09-2004 20:50:37

Did both of you switch to the hPod? Because the hPod is shipped based on a "First switch/First Ship" basis. Your IP3 date doesn't matter.


17-09-2004 20:51:22

Congratulations ... fakes smile


17-09-2004 20:54:23

I'm a 8/10 IP3er and haven't got any shipping notifications yet. I live in California, so mine might be on the way and might come on Money or Tuesday.

BTW, What City/State do you live in? Did you get an Apple iPod or HP?


17-09-2004 21:14:43

Ya answers

Kansas City MO

And yes we both switched to the hp ipod. dont rember when - i know my friend switched later on (in the evening) after I did.


17-09-2004 22:53:10

does ups ship on weekends?


17-09-2004 23:02:46

not for ground shipments. ever.


17-09-2004 23:14:00

hahaha, thats cool, ill just wait for my apple ipod


18-09-2004 01:34:12

[quotef7bf9bbc55="shifuimam"]not for ground shipments. ever.[/quotef7bf9bbc55]

Wrongo! UPS DOES ship Ground for Saturday Delivery but only if the shipper pays extra for it )