09-01-2006 22:08:33
Not sure if anyone noticed, but when freepay told me the expected build date for the V2000, I went and checked with the HP site on customizing a computer, and it was set at Feburary 2nd which matched up with freepay.
However, the build date now on orders on the HP site is January 19th, which is a good 2 weeks ahead of the expected build date for laptops ordered back when freepay did it on January 4th (or was it 2nd?).
Will this affect us and our build date? Could that mean that some of us will get the laptop sooner?
Personally, I was hoping to recieve mine before the beginning of the quarter for school which started today, so I was a bit tangled up when I found out they wouldn't even be built until the 2nd of February. Just a hope.