Shipping Problem?

Live forum:


09-11-2004 12:58:25

Hmm...this is quite weird...I'm a 10/22 that went shipped .

I'm lazy so I shall just paste what I sent Gratis
Tracking number used to show "info sent electronically, package not in FedEx possession" on the 7th. And now it just shows the tracking number was not found. Other people who shipped on my day have been able to track the package from the time their status turned to shipped. For me, I had to wait until the night of the 7th to even get it to say "package not in FedEx possession" Scheduled delivery date was 11/10.

I called FedEx and they said that the tracking number does not pull up anything and after further checks, shows that there is nothing coming to my address.

Has this happened to anyone else?