Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=2975


09-11-2004 00:53:24

how long does it take for credit to appear, i joined yesterday and usally theres a box indicating on the offer page with a red tick, or a border around it

but none of those appear

is that normal?

i used firefox to join my browser


09-11-2004 04:42:32

at this point it's normal, the NYT offer is not instant credit (like Infone for instance). You'll have to wait a few days before the offer appears as crossed on your page. How many days? At least a couple, that's all I can say...


09-11-2004 10:54:17

I got credit for NYT in about one whole business day. I registered on a Sunday, I think, and by Tuesday morning I had credit.


09-11-2004 16:18:51

When you sign up did NY times email you? I haven't gotten a comfirmation email. Could it be b/c i put the date to start shipping the papers 1/10/05 ??? I did this so I will not accidenatlly get one.

Thanks, ps I signed up to night


09-11-2004 17:09:33

i got credited quick. started receivin papers yesterday


09-11-2004 17:57:36

did u get a comfirmation email for the nytimes service ? I havent gotten an email or anythng so I dont know if I did it right.



09-11-2004 19:14:24

I've gotten credit, but never got the email yet. I set it to receive papers on sunday two weeks from now.


10-11-2004 05:10:23

credit came thru
but, no conf email
