"Real" offers
31-12-2005 17:20:00
Does it work to do a Real offer more than once? If so, should I use the same account or make a different one?
31-12-2005 17:30:28
You can do real offers. I did realrhapsody a while back and last month I did real arcade gamepass and got credit. I used my account before. They still keep your account but its just not active. You just cant do the same offer twice exm real rhapsody twice.
31-12-2005 17:31:10
I have this exact question.
If I signed up for Real GamePass and created a Real Account when I did an offer for FreePs3's, can I use the same Real Accoutn when I complete an offer for FreePsp's?
31-12-2005 17:33:35
That's pretty weird. I did RealArcade for ps3s.freepay.com and will probably do it for psps.freepay.com too!
31-12-2005 18:29:20
Its the same company but not the same offers. I did them I got credited. Just to be sure ask around but Im sure from experience it works. I did realrhapsody july 20th and then earlier this month did real arcade gamepass and got credit. Just use your old account username because they still keep it for email's and stuff.
31-12-2005 18:30:45
[quote262485c6db="petezahut2"]That's pretty weird. I did RealArcade for ps3s.freepay.com and will probably do it for psps.freepay.com too![/quote262485c6db]
lol what's wierd about it? no one said anything happened except for one person saying it happened as it should. the other posts were just questions.
31-12-2005 21:13:38
[quote696d56501c="petezahut2"]That's pretty weird. I did RealArcade for ps3s.freepay.com and will probably do it for psps.freepay.com too![/quote696d56501c]Wow, good job admitting you fraud offers!
31-12-2005 21:19:12
What I was trying to say was that it was a weird coincidence that both dshap and I did the RealArcade for ps3s.freepay.com, and now, we are both looking to do psps.freepay.com. Maybe I was reading it wrong. Is it considered frauding to do the same offer twice like that?
31-12-2005 21:24:50
[quotec926938ee1="Coolbgdog"]You can do real offers. I did realrhapsody a while back and last month I did real arcade gamepass and got credit. I used my account before. They still keep your account but its just not active. You just cant do the same offer twice exm real rhapsody twice.[/quotec926938ee1]
Okay, I figured out my problem. I read that post wrong. I somehow read it "You CAN do the same offer twice exm real rhapsody twice." Sorry for me being so confusing, and I will NOT be doing the same offer again now that I realize its against the rules.
01-01-2006 10:21:40
u can use your same account w/ real to complete different offers, just not the same offer twice. i did realrhapsody, but then later i did the realarcade w/ my same account info. it's not like u have to make an entire other account and all that, which makes it easier
01-01-2006 12:06:35
[quote5c384eeaff="petezahut2"]What I was trying to say was that it was a weird coincidence that both dshap and I did the RealArcade for ps3s.freepay.com, and now, we are both looking to do psps.freepay.com. Maybe I was reading it wrong. Is it considered frauding to do the same offer twice like that?[/quote5c384eeaff]
Just to clarify, I never said I was going to do RealArcade for psps, I just said I wanted to use the same Real Account. I want to do Rhapsody for psps. I am a legitimate offer completer.
04-01-2006 18:05:57
how long did it take you to get credit for the Real networks offer? I signed up today and it's supposed to be instant - but no green yet (
04-01-2006 18:12:56
[quote358780fa2a="well69"]how long did it take you to get credit for the Real networks offer? I signed up today and it's supposed to be instant - but no green yet ([/quote358780fa2a]
Where does it say instant? It took me 2.5 days to get credit on freeps3s.freepay for that offer.
04-01-2006 21:05:21
Real Rhapsody isn't free anymore, right? Are there any coupon codes to make it free, like there were for the blockbuster offer?
05-01-2006 11:08:17
I signed up for Real Arcade on Friday the 29th and haven't recieved credit yet.
05-01-2006 11:43:24
i completed three offers for ps3s... all creditted within a 2 day span. i hate long credit times ( seeing those 3 ticks on one site hurst lol
05-01-2006 11:45:50
wait, u did 3 offers for the same site at once? or did you do them seperately and then happen to credit at the same time...? either way...bummer
06-01-2006 21:12:39
[quotee85a0247ed]Real Rhapsody isn't free anymore, right? Are there any coupon codes to make it free, like there were for the blockbuster offer?[/quotee85a0247ed]
It costs $9.99 I think. I was credited in a less than 24 hours! 8)
Gamepass Real Arcade is just as sweet. Costs $1 I think. Just call them to cancel before 30-day trial period ends. Woot!