28-12-2005 12:52:45
I got my DS in the mail the other day, but no t-shirt was with it.
I thought they were sending them out with their products?
No big deal, but I wouldn't mind having another shirt.
28-12-2005 12:58:02
I thought those came seperate of your products, seeing as the products are shipped from the vendor not Freepay
28-12-2005 13:47:44
My t-shirt came with my item. They must have just forgotten. You can probably submit a ticket, but dunno if you want to go through with it.
28-12-2005 13:48:55
Also, it may be a possibility the t-shirts only come with the Ipods. I have it listed under my Ipod shuffle approval, and I believe I just filled it out for my freedesktoppc, but it doesn't show up on my order.
28-12-2005 13:51:21
Sometimes they come separately.
I got my t-shirt like a week before my Sony TV.
28-12-2005 14:03:25
i just got my PS2 and my shirt came with the gift. same when i got my nano
28-12-2005 15:00:47
hm i guess its different for everything. thanks!
28-12-2005 15:08:24
I never got a shirt for any Gratis offer I completed. (