07-11-2004 10:25:05
Ok, I'm a 10/22 STV who got lucky last night (in more ways than one). My order status changed to shipped. It then has a link saying "Click here to track" along with a 22-digit number. If I click on the link, I go to the FedEx tracking page. I tried copying and pasting my 22-digit number (which I assume to be a tracking number), into FedEx, but FedEx doesn't recognize it. Any ideas?
btw, the other way I got lucky wasn't what you think it is......
Diam0nd City
07-11-2004 10:26:55
at least you got a tracking number
07-11-2004 10:28:49
But Mister Anderson, what good is a tracking number you are unable to track?
07-11-2004 11:28:54
It just means that it is not in the FedEx system yet. No big deal it should show up tomorrow.