17-09-2004 14:43:51
hey, i noticed today that now ecost says they have all the minis in stock. does anyone know if that means they'll be shipping a bunch of minis now?
17-09-2004 14:53:41
Ive been told all the mini's come direct from Apple.
17-09-2004 14:54:33
[quoted68152f2f5="jetleigh"]hey, i noticed today that now ecost says they have all the minis in stock. does anyone know if that means they'll be shipping a bunch of minis now?[/quoted68152f2f5]
17-09-2004 14:55:50
Manufacturing of minis just greatly increased due to a second contract Apple signed with Asus (their chinese affiliate that is). Production is expect to jump greatly as their second facility begins exporting more -D
17-09-2004 14:56:25
That's not gonna change the fact that minis suck lol
yeah, why would you want a mini
17-09-2004 15:16:10
I personally find iPods small enuf ... but whatever makes you happy
17-09-2004 15:16:53
I think the mini's have some hidden secrets we don't know about. There's got to be a reason the thing is worth $249... not just its size.
17-09-2004 16:22:07
um no i think your wrong.
but get the mini. more cool ipods for us.
17-09-2004 16:33:27
they should make the mini cost like 150$, and i would definitly buy one, they look alot better then the 20 GB but the 20GB has a 20GB hard drive, thats the only reason i ordered the 20GB