12-12-2005 17:58:26
hey, i have a quick question. i signed up for a couple of trades with some other people (by the book), and my first trade went through with no prob. After that, though, i noticed that none of my other offers have gone green. I've waited, but then i checked my computer's internet settings. I found out that my computer didn't have cookies enabled, so i'm not sure if that would have been a problem when i signed up for my offers. I reset my internet to enable cookies, but do i have to redo these offers? is there someway where the offer's will show up now? should i not worry about it? i'm a little confused about what i have to do to get my credit, so anyway u can help me would be great.
all the people who are waiting for me to go green thank you wink
12-12-2005 20:15:18
[quote80f857d432="crazyates"]hey, i have a quick question. i signed up for a couple of trades with some other people (by the book), and my first trade went through with no prob. After that, though, i noticed that none of my other offers have gone green. I've waited, but then i checked my computer's internet settings. I found out that my computer didn't have cookies enabled, so i'm not sure if that would have been a problem when i signed up for my offers. I reset my internet to enable cookies, but do i have to redo these offers? is there someway where the offer's will show up now? should i not worry about it? i'm a little confused about what i have to do to get my credit, so anyway u can help me would be great.
all the people who are waiting for me to go green thank you wink[/quote80f857d432]
I'd say not having cookies on can cause BIG problems...
13-12-2005 10:48:58
u think they'll credit now that i've enabled them, or do they have to be enabled WHEN i actually do the offers?
13-12-2005 10:53:38
Ooh, I think I'm having the same problem. I signed up for a few last night on my boyfriend's computer and that may be why they haven't showed up yet.
Any help would be appreciated!
If we can email freepay our confirmation or something, do you think they'll credit us? I've kept pretty detailed information on everything I've done so far.
13-12-2005 11:02:52
the only way you can get manual credit is if you wait at least 15 days before contacting freepay and request for them to give u your credit. you gotta have proof that u actually completed you offer, such as confermation emails and stuff like that. unfortunately, most of the time your free trials expire before the 15 days are up, so you either have to stick with it and pay, or try to get freepay to credit you for an offer u signed up for and then canceled right away. wink
does anyone know of a way where i can get my credit without waiting to put in a request for manual credit, where thier computers can just see that i have in fact done an offer, or do i have to keep paying these trial offers and hope i don't have to pay anymore than i have to. ?
13-12-2005 11:05:32
i'm keeping my rhapsody, i just wanted to make sure i get the credit for it!
18-12-2005 16:53:42
with my coolies set up right, half my offers went through after about a week, but now i still have to manually request my credit for the other half. with freepay this busy (or slow, however u want to look at it), it 'll prob take a while before i get my credit. oh well