Hey, my friend signed up not through my link but never did an offer, if he resigns up through my link and completes an offer will that go through or what?
06-11-2004 11:48:27
NO, it will be considered fraud because your friend will have two accounts and BOTH of your accounts will go on HOLD status
06-11-2004 11:53:16
actually...there shouldn't be a problem, as long as the offer wasnt completed on the other account. If the account does get put on hold, you can easily explain the situation and get it fixed
06-11-2004 11:57:54
hmm are you sure? I've read through the Terms and Conditions several times because my account went on hold and then was taken off two days later. As I understand it, the T&C says that you cannot have two accounts regardless of if you complete an offer or not. I have read many forum posts in here about people begging for Harry to help them and most are not approved. In my opinion, I wouldn't risk it...just get one more person.