05-11-2004 17:43:29
Ok Im sure this has been asked so many times but I need a newer topic about it.
How long did it take you and your referrals to receive credit for the Blockbuster offer? I just signed up to it on Wednesday and my movies were shipped on Thursday. So Im planning on watching them and sending them back around the end of next week, then canceling my subscription. My referrals and I still havent gotten credit for it so Im just asking so I know what to expect.
I hope I'm wrong but I think you have to wait til the end of the 2 weeks trial to receive credit for it.
Now, this is definitely different from what's going on with the blockbuster offer on the OfferCentric deals. With OfferCentric you receive credit after five business day maximum.
Does any one has an exlanation for this difference. Is it simply that blockbuster pays more money to Gratis than OfferCentric?
05-11-2004 18:05:36
=( I hope thats not true or else all my referrals will think I tried to scam them or something. I was told that you can cancel it before the 2 weeks and still get credit.
05-11-2004 18:59:47
i know when i did it for freeipods i got credited right away... got my 2 movies and i believe canceled in 10 days...i cant see things really changing except the time to get credited....
05-11-2004 19:12:54
chado how long ago did you do this offer?
05-11-2004 20:05:20
jeez the freeipod regular offer... maybe september.... but now i have people doing the color one and they have not been credited yet... but im sure it just takes time
06-11-2004 11:55:49
i got credit in 6 business days. My advice is to keep renting movies, then log in throught he website. Select "my account" up above, then click on "cancel my subscription". They will then have a link offering you another FREE MONTH! dude, just sign up for that, get a month extra of free rentals, then cancel by the end of the month. the 2 week waiting period is too short dude, cause it takes the movies 2-3 days to arrive as they're shipped from sacramento(if you live in california , I assume). Then you have no time to watch them cause you're busy with other things i'm sure, running errands/work and such. So a month and a half of movie rentals is a very sweet deal. Plus you and your gf/bf might enjoy em ;0) get some pop corn. hehe
06-11-2004 11:58:54
haha your funny... i know when i did this deal for the original ipod i felt that if i had some extra cash i would keep the service... hence im gonna sign up for the trial again.. maybe i will keep it this i told everyone to do this offer.. it is the most logical offer because everyone likes a good movie... )
06-11-2004 12:05:29
ya, i'm really diggin this movie rental stuff online, I can queue the movie and not worry about having to run into the nearest blockbuster store , to only find out they're "out of stock". This way, i can know for sure when its shipped, and its the exact movies I wanted! No more settlings for "oh i seen that ,but wouldn't mind seeing it again" type of movies. I think I might actually continue using this service. It's actually pretty cheap too. Unless i'm desperate and want it fast, then I gotta fish for movies on bittorrent websites or kazaa lol Mmmm Elektra...Can't wait for that movie. -)
06-11-2004 12:09:44
The credit is not guranateed to be fast. I personally got my credit in 6 business days. Heard others of getting theres 3 days later. I suggest you register for it on a Monday. The movies aren't instant, it's not like You have to queue your movie through the blockbuster website , whilst being logged in with your account. Then wait a few days for your move to get shipped. Took 3 days to have my movies shipped. Very awesome service. Worth keeping! You get 3 movies at a time. Super cool!
06-11-2004 13:41:46
well unlike my friends.... i did the infone... that was instant.... so now i wish i wouldve advised them to do that... but its ok ill wait the 2 weeks if i have to... i mean... it is free )
06-11-2004 21:28:11
[quote693f008e1f="Santa"]It is instant[/quote693f008e1f]
No it's not
07-11-2004 07:58:48
Ineedelectroshok -- thanks for that tip about cancelling the subscription! rock on! + karma for you pal!
07-11-2004 12:49:06
yay! thanks tishykb! got me my first karma point! Even though my current postings have many spelling errors and half-assed typing. l ike t his forexa mple. haha you got negative karma so I will sex, opps i mean karma you up. lol Hurrah for a month and a half of free movie rentals!
07-11-2004 12:53:38
Mine took about a week and half, but as a deal I recommend it very highly. I loved it and am going to sign up again.