Hi, I'm a 10/22 STV and I've been hearing talk about some 10/13's going active on Fedex. However, I still am not able to even use the Fedex site, because I'm not sure how. I know what the page is for entering tracking numbers, but once I do that, it asks me to select the shipping type and the reference type. There appear to be about 30 different options, and I have no idea which to select. Can someone tell me what I'm supposed to select, or another way of tracking reference numbers? Also, I think this would be a good place to conglomerate any and all known tracking numbers people have gotten so that other people can check them...
Greasy Hamburger
05-11-2004 15:16:32
do a search for your question, its already answered
Anyone care to answer it anyway? I searched and found some answers for this, but not all. I think it'd be nice to have a new thread one way or the other.
ps why are you still on this forum if you have your ipod already?
05-11-2004 15:40:37
[quotea93e3de3ef="ario"]ps why are you still on this forum if you have your ipod already?[/quotea93e3de3ef]
because people help people
05-11-2004 17:00:21
... and i see SO much help here.
here's how i do it. may not be right.. but seems to do what it's supposed to.
Click on "Track", go down the menu to Track by Reference. In the big box put the reference #, then click your country, fill in your zip code, and hit Track.
Be prepared to get a "not found" result. I also signed up for Fedex Insight, which is supposed to notify you when the system sees your addess come up for shipping.
05-11-2004 17:01:32
oh and if you do get a real result, jump for joy! then don't get too sad if you find out it's not yours but just someone in your area. which i don't know how to find that out, cept maybe calling them.
05-11-2004 17:35:06
[quote974578564b] I also signed up for Fedex Insight, which is supposed to notify you when the system sees your addess come up for shipping.[/quote974578564b]
How can you do this without an account number? I tried and it wants me to put in my account number.
Is that free? Also, what are the various reference numbers available?
I'm still getting this message when I try it
You must select a FedEx service for all unresolved references before clicking Resubmit all
and it wants me to enter the shipping type and reference type. What do I put?
05-11-2004 18:38:13
BulkHead - you can get an account # off of a previously received package or just sign up for fedex.com like you sign up for any internet site. they give you one.
Ario- clarify you're using this page, right?
05-11-2004 19:43:18
wtf is that, pallarandersvisa?
06-11-2004 10:00:16
The reference number for the 20gb iPod