Hi, I did the infone offer on freeipods.com. I would like to do infonoe offer on freephotoipods.com too but im afraid it will put me on hold. i have a 2nd credit card, but it has the same name and address on it. please tell me if i could get put on hold for this?
05-11-2004 14:04:58
U'r gonna get owned if you do that
really? ok thanks for ur input its just that the other photo ipod offers stink. thats the only one i really wana do. ar eu 100 percent sure i will get put on hold
05-11-2004 14:07:56
Well...i'm really not 100% on that one but i wouldn't do it, just to be on the safe side ;)
what offer do u think i sbest then beside infone, nothing on there looks too spiffy
05-11-2004 14:12:02
Blockbuster seems nice, and i'm probably gonna do myInks for FFS since it's a lot cheaper to buy them like that...ink is expensive where i live P