04-11-2004 19:49:48
i feel likes its been two weeks since anything has gone out... wtf.
04-11-2004 21:10:38
do you ever say anything productive?
move to canada already
05-11-2004 16:00:32
[quote58382f6c41="keeleysam"]stop bitching[/quote58382f6c41]
just because someone has a discussion topic about the shipping, doesnt mean you need to come by and tell them to quit bitching... it has been about 2 weeks since anything has shipped, and it will probably be many more before the shipment does go out, but keeleysam, you sir are a jackass
05-11-2004 16:04:07
[quote431de3d35b="r2d2_unit"][quote431de3d35b="keeleysam"]stop bitching[/quote431de3d35b]
just because someone has a discussion topic about the shipping, doesnt mean you need to come by and tell them to quit bitching... it has been about 2 weeks since anything has shipped, and it will probably be many more before the shipment does go out, but keeleysam, you sir are a jackass[/quote431de3d35b]
it's cuz he already got his ipod, so he likes to make the people that are eagerly awaiting shipment feel like crap so he can feel superior. eh, human nature, don't blame him wink
05-11-2004 16:10:06
thats all i wanted to know. thanks for the confirmation....
and thanks for being nice.
[quote67d663f233="r2d2_unit"][quote67d663f233="keeleysam"]stop bitching[/quote67d663f233]
just because someone has a discussion topic about the shipping, doesnt mean you need to come by and tell them to quit bitching... it has been about 2 weeks since anything has shipped, and it will probably be many more before the shipment does go out, but keeleysam, you sir are a jackass[/quote67d663f233]
05-11-2004 16:26:54
[quote7153e3104a="magik"][quote7153e3104a="r2d2_unit"][quote7153e3104a="keeleysam"]stop bitching[/quote7153e3104a]
just because someone has a discussion topic about the shipping, doesnt mean you need to come by and tell them to quit bitching... it has been about 2 weeks since anything has shipped, and it will probably be many more before the shipment does go out, but keeleysam, you sir are a jackass[/quote7153e3104a]
it's cuz he already got his ipod, so he likes to make the people that are eagerly awaiting shipment feel like crap so he can feel superior. eh, human nature, don't blame him wink[/quote7153e3104a]
no, i havent gotten my iPod yet, its just really annoying to see 15 million threads in a row about this
[quotebcd03c4115]no, i havent gotten my iPod yet, its just really annoying to see 15 million threads in a row about this[/quotebcd03c4115]
what kind of thread would you like to see instead? please start a captivating one for us.
05-11-2004 17:53:03
sounds like someone's a douchebag
05-11-2004 18:47:24