So many Free things - yet limited offers - complication

Live forum:


04-11-2004 10:41:03

With all these free thing, how do you guys content with the multiple offers. Are you able to sign up under new accounts at Infone and with the same credit card?

I mean do you guys (if able to) sign up for the same offers for mp4players, freeipods, freedesktoppc, freeflatscreen etc or do you actually choose different offers?


04-11-2004 11:06:17

I've chosen different offer's for every site, not doing the same one's, probably get busted if you try ]


Mr Sofa Sets

04-11-2004 14:07:54

Yup, different offers for every site. You should keep a list of what and when you signed up. It helps keep track of things.


04-11-2004 14:56:15

Yeah what i did for freegiftplanet was made an Excel sheet with the offer website, amount of points if i completed it , if i got credit (some formulas to see how far away from e2c's i was) my username password at the place if there was one, the phone number to call and if i cancelled...

helped keep everything readable and so i wouldnt be stupid and forget to do something... lol