How many does Gratis get per order???
17-09-2004 09:12:39
Since people seem to know the actual order numbers from Gratis and the like, i was curious about how many gratis orders. i.e. if they order 10 at a time from ecost, and then send them. or 1000, hence the backup.
Cuz if you go to ecost, they have everything in stock for shipping that day.
just doesnt seem right that people would be waiting over a month when they are clearly in stock/available.
17-09-2004 09:15:12
[quote5fcad33d23="JGrayland"]Since people seem to know the actual order numbers from Gratis and the like, i was curious about how many gratis orders. i.e. if they order 10 at a time from ecost, and then send them. or 1000, hence the backup.
Cuz if you go to ecost, they have everything in stock for shipping that day.
just doesnt seem right that people would be waiting over a month when they are clearly in stock/available.[/quote5fcad33d23]
That would make sense unless Gratis orders them in bulk to get a price break, then they would wait till they get their numbers up before placing the orders.
17-09-2004 09:18:57
yeah i guess its also a matter as to how ecost works. Say ecost gets in 1000 Ipods. and Gratis places an order for 1500. do they put their 1000 aside for gratis (first come first serve) or do they say well, we dont have that many, but we do have x amount of regular customer orders, we will fill those instead, and leave Gratis (and thus, us) out to dry until they actually have 1500 units in stock?
too bad someone from the company didnt join one of these boards.
17-09-2004 09:25:31
what would be instead of shipping actual ipods. If Gratis sent everyone a coupon for a free ipod from a selection of online or offline stores. such as ecost, wallmart..etc etc
17-09-2004 09:27:41
[quotebc7e68596f="Lunarpancake"]what would be instead of shipping actual ipods. If Gratis sent everyone a coupon for a free ipod from a selection of online or offline stores. such as ecost, wallmart..etc etc[/quotebc7e68596f]
That is a great idea!
17-09-2004 09:28:07
also, for those who got them, does gratis have them sent to their HQ and they ship it to us, or is it direct from Ecost??? if the latter, perhaps ecost is to blame for shipping out newer orders than people from 8/2...
17-09-2004 09:28:16
Don't ever count on that
17-09-2004 10:19:26
i like the gift certificate idea. that way we wouldn't be waiting on back orders at all. we could just go around to places near us and find what we want. but maybe they have some sort of deal with ecost .. i really don't care, i just want my friggin ipod
17-09-2004 10:29:30
They probably get the biggest price break in history with e-cost ;)
17-09-2004 11:11:23
There's no doubt that they are getting a nice break from eCost on these. How could they NOT be? So the gift certificate idea will not fly.
17-09-2004 12:31:46
The price break isn't that significant at all. More importantly, eCost diverts a lot of the iPods they receive to Gratis. Sometimes entire shipments are shipped to FiP receivers.
17-09-2004 12:36:55
eCost's page has said for days that the hPod is in stock. if alot of their stock was going to FiP shouldnt alot more people be recieving there's?
17-09-2004 12:39:36
Well ecost has to keep [i6cb81549e0]some[/i6cb81549e0] for itself!
17-09-2004 12:41:17
[quote40267da6e0]The price break isn't that significant at all. More importantly, eCost diverts a lot of the iPods they receive to Gratis. Sometimes entire shipments are shipped to FiP receivers.[/quote40267da6e0]
how do you know??? is there literature/proof on this we can see??
[quote2ae1691aa8="hacktek"]They probably get the biggest price break in history with e-cost ;)[/quote2ae1691aa8]IIRC, they buy them for about $275. Almost 10% off. On an item such as the iPod, which has little to no margin outside of Apple's, that is a pretty big break.
18-09-2004 02:23:37
JGrayland You've just gotta trust me on that one, sorry. Or don't. I don't really care either way.
18-09-2004 05:46:55
If it is 10 percent, that's still a nice discount when you're buying in such quanities.
18-09-2004 12:24:05
Exactly...10% out of 1000+ ipods is a shlitload of money
18-09-2004 12:31:22
1000 x $294 per iPod = $294,000 - 10% = $29,400 savings
18-09-2004 17:25:51
Like i said...shlitload of money P
18-09-2004 22:30:30
that idea sucks. go away.