16-11-2005 14:56:15
I know freepay has an amazing reputation and I am not suggesting that they are not a legit company, but I am experiencing some serious problems with them right now. Here is what happened. I finished the site about three weeks ago. Before I submitted approval, I realized that I signed up for the same site about a year ago under a different email address and under my home address, which is different now. Worrying that this would put my account on hold, I opened a support ticket asking if this would be a problem. They replied and said that since I no longer had access to that email account and because the account was not active (I had not completed an offer for the old account) I would not be put on hold. Given that information, I submitted approval. 16 days later, I checked my account and it had been put on hold for the very reason they said it wouldn't. On top of that, three of referrals were also put on hold. All of my referrals were done by my friends here at school, and they had not violated any of the terms of service. I opened another support ticket explaining everything again and asking why my referrals put on hold too. The reply was that they would look into my account again, but that there would be no promises and that they would be in touch. Its been almost a week and I still have not heard anything. Anyone have any suggestions?
Wow that sucks, my only suggestion would be to just wait it out, actually pm Jake on this forum and tell him your problem. He will probaly be the best solution to this problem.
16-11-2005 15:06:49
I started over a year ago but didn't start trying to get referrals until only about 3 months or something ago. I finally finished and submitted for approval on November 10th. I hope I get approved but stories like yours scare me. Once I get approved I don't really care how long it takes to process because I will be able to rest knowing I am getting it for sure. Good luck with your process!
16-11-2005 15:18:15
wow like I thought I was the only one.
Well not about getting put on hold but I started this last year as well and recently just started to get referrals.
I got all 5 myself as well and requested for approval.
To get back to the topic, Liquidj00, you should send them about the reply that you have gotten which states it was alright. If that doesn't work out, send a pm to Jake on here. I'm sure he will be able to sort this out, he is a great guy.
But about ur friends, I don't know what they did but they must have done something wrong. They may have used wrong creditcard number or maybe they were being bad to the referrals and they sent bad reviews about ur friends.
I don't know, I'm not a doctor. But Jake will be able to help.
17-11-2005 21:22:22
well if all three of your frineds from school did it at school, then they were (probably) all using the same IP adress. and that is why they were put on hold
Yea, thats definatly why, you should really explain the rules to your friends before you have them just sign up and complete an offer,but if you dont even no the rules yourself then maybe you should check out the FAQ and or Terms of Service on the givin site(Always a good idea).