Should I start FreeDesktopPCs?
01-11-2005 10:38:25
My girlfriend needs a new laptop. She doesn't really care about its specs as long as she can surf the web and get her work done.
I figure I can complete FDPCs for $250-$300. The question is, can I get it done in time to give her the gift at Christmas?
What does everyone think?
01-11-2005 10:58:37
I think you will make it...and I will give ya twenty bucks to use my link.
01-11-2005 11:00:47
[quote7803ad66e8="hrdfarkr"]I think you will make it...and I will give ya twenty bucks to use my link.[/quote7803ad66e8]
I already did it for someone else. cry I've completed my offer, but I'll need to find 10 refs, get approved, etc.
01-11-2005 11:21:07
ohhhhhhhhhhh then probably not, I only said you could cos im trying to finish up by Christmas too...LOL
Look at my timeline. It's the link in my signature. Not many people are doing that site which should move the process a bit faster, yanno? It didn't take me too long to finish and receive the laptop. I think you'll make it in time. You pretty much have more than a month and a half.
01-11-2005 11:38:54
Your timeline definitely makes it look feasible.
Did you get all your refs through standard FIPG trades?
I wish that Gateway were still an option...
01-11-2005 11:43:24
yeah you proab can make the deadline i want mine at december 23rd a present for myself for x-mas and birthday
[quote32ffb4f706="KeithA"]Your timeline definitely makes it look feasible.
Did you get all your refs through standard FIPG trades?
I wish that Gateway were still an option...[/quote32ffb4f706]
A lot of them were my friends. About two were trades. I always thought trading was a bit faster? I'm not sure, but I still think you'll make it.
01-11-2005 17:53:15
my timeline is going very quickly. Once i got my final green i only had to wait 3 days for approval. Once approved i contacted Jake and asked him about the W9 tax form. He promptly emailed me the form. I filled it out, scanned it, and emailed it back to him. Almost instantly I was STV and according to Gateway tracking ill have my laptop by next wednesday. If it does in fact get here by then, it will have only taken 2 weeks from final green to receiving item. If you can get the greens in a fairly quick manner i think you should be ok.
01-11-2005 19:19:33
[quoted13a7d41f7="abrock124"]my timeline is going very quickly. Once i got my final green i only had to wait 3 days for approval. Once approved i contacted Jake and asked him about the W9 tax form. He promptly emailed me the form. I filled it out, scanned it, and emailed it back to him. Almost instantly I was STV and according to Gateway tracking ill have my laptop by next wednesday. If it does in fact get here by then, it will have only taken 2 weeks from final green to receiving item. If you can get the greens in a fairly quick manner i think you should be ok.[/quoted13a7d41f7]
Well shit, after 2 hours I don't have a single inquiry. Getting greens might be harder than I thought.
01-11-2005 19:56:53
I think you should try to complete. It's not impossible for you to complete in time, although you probably won't.
It's still worth doing though.
01-11-2005 21:11:34
Hell, even if you are processing by Christmas, and you can show your GF what you are giving her, she will be happy. I know my Gf would be happy to be getting something worth over $500 for Christmas.
01-11-2005 21:13:50
I wouldn't trust gratis with shit >=(
01-11-2005 21:38:51
Well you were my last green KeithA and that's the day I submitted for approval. Today my Cyberpower went shipped (and I received my t-shirt) and it's supposed to take around 3 days for shipping, so I should have it by Monday at the very latest. Apparently the Cyberpower takes 2 weeks to build but obviously not in this case.
So from requesting approval to received should be about 3 weeks.
The hardest part for you (if you can't get friends or family to green) would be finding refs on here. I'd suggest using all the freebie forums to look for trades for it.
02-11-2005 03:53:40
Yeah, it looks like I'm going to have to be pretty aggressive in courting referrals.
I agree that she won't really care if the laptop is ready for her on Christmas. I can get her something else small as a sort of consolation prize.
TSJ, sorry I bothered you with the T&C of my little "giveaway"...apparently it was a pretty lame attempt at getting refs... D
02-11-2005 04:46:14
I suggest signing up on RefStop and ReferralSwapper. I am on Ref Swapper and there's a decent list of people available to do desktoppcs. Good luck! That's very nice of you to do this for your gf. I'm getting the XBox 360 for my bf!! Haha.
02-11-2005 05:54:19
[quote9967980f20="phoebe7"]I suggest signing up on RefStop and ReferralSwapper. I am on Ref Swapper and there's a decent list of people available to do desktoppcs. Good luck! That's very nice of you to do this for your gf. I'm getting the XBox 360 for my bf!! Haha.[/quote9967980f20]
I'm signed up at both. At ReferralSwapper, I can send 30 swap requests and reasonably expect to get 1 response (which will probably decline my request). I completed one successful trade there and got scammed once. RefStop is alright...I'll probably head over there again to check it out.
02-11-2005 08:37:27
refstop got me one green and this site got me 2 referrals )
its not that hard to get referrals lol i need 7 more
howd did you get scammed ?
02-11-2005 08:40:33
I greened for a guy and he just lost contact with me.