Repocar Offer
30-10-2005 17:30:24
does anyone know how long it takes to get credit ?
30-10-2005 18:22:16
A friend and I both did this offer once. He got credit the next morning and I got credit later the same day I did it.
30-10-2005 18:28:07
oh thanks man i did it yesterday which was a saturday do u think i will get credit by tommorrow ?
30-10-2005 19:01:20
im sure
30-10-2005 22:11:39
thanks hopefully i can request approval tommorrow
how much money you think i can sell a ipod video for on ebay ??
How soon do you have to liliNONE OF THISlili this one? do you have the full 24 hours. Can I liliNONE OF THISlili hours affer signing up. How long did you all wait to liliNONE OF THISlili?
01-11-2005 15:33:22
Has anyone used the site? I wanted to check it out after signing up, but it won't accept my username/password. Anyone else have this problem?
it takes a while. I left for an hour or so and came back and my login worked.
01-11-2005 15:49:34
Yeah, I'm getting in now. Thanks.
I'm suprised no one is doing this one. I just liliNONE OF THISlili this morning. I'll post when I get credit.
sweet! actually I am already green. took 24 hours and 36 minutes to green me up!!!!
[quote8a1ec54fb3="ch3d"]How soon do you have to cancel this one? do you have the full 24 hours. Can I cancel hours affer signing up. How long did you all wait to cancel?[/quote8a1ec54fb3]
You should stop talking about cancellations.
02-11-2005 09:44:03
[quote955cb741aa="Veek"][quote955cb741aa="ch3d"]How soon do you have to cancel this one? do you have the full 24 hours. Can I cancel hours affer signing up. How long did you all wait to cancel?[/quote955cb741aa]
You should stop talking about cancellations.[/quote955cb741aa]
Seriously. I've never seen a post so short use the c-word so many times.
02-11-2005 10:38:10
I just tried to sign up for this offer, but it won't accept my credit card. I tried 2 different cards. I have plenty of room for the $5.95. Weird.
02-11-2005 10:56:30
[quote8632210cd2="KeithA"][quote8632210cd2="Veek"][quote8632210cd2="ch3d"]How soon do you have to cancel this one? do you have the full 24 hours. Can I cancel hours affer signing up. How long did you all wait to cancel?[/quote8632210cd2]
You should stop talking about cancellations.[/quote8632210cd2]
Seriously. I've never seen a post so short use the c-word so many times.[/quote8632210cd2]
Yeah, he obviously is just trying to scam and not really evaluate the offer. Thats sad (
[quotee2b0931b5c]You should stop talking about cancellations.[/quotee2b0931b5c]
I evaluated it to the fullest extent. I almost bought a couple of hud homes. I just missed the bids. Not bad for a mornings work.
02-11-2005 11:11:53
A man can never have enough government seized stuff.
02-11-2005 11:33:37
lol its been about 3 days i still havent gotten a green yet ... (
what do you guys think i should do ?
[quotefdf954dadc="ch3d"][quotefdf954dadc]You should stop talking about cancellations.[/quotefdf954dadc]
I evaluated it to the fullest extent. I almost bought a couple of hud homes. I just missed the bids. Not bad for a mornings work.[/quotefdf954dadc]
becuase its is against the rules to talk about canceling
02-11-2005 12:13:00
any one have any advice or help ?
02-11-2005 12:32:30
i usually use It tells you everything about the offer, and has everything about it(how long to get credit, how much it costs, any trouble) yeah and we don't talk about cancelling here, EVER, soooo i suggest you go to that site because it tells you exactly how, but then again why would you want to do that?
yeah I went to rate the offers on that one. . they do have a 100% rating.
If it hasn't greened in five days I would start working on manual credit.
A majority of them only took 2 days at the most.
I recommend that ch3d stop talking about cancelling offers repeatedly or his credit may get taken away.
He should also consider himself lucky that the situation isn't worse for him than it is at the moment.
I appologize i just misunderstood the rule.
In all honesty I liked some aspects of the site. It gives you access to the hud homes site. and that's cool.
02-11-2005 14:24:41
[quote6fceb4aabb="tsanghan"]lol its been about 3 days i still havent gotten a green yet ... (
what do you guys think i should do ?[/quote6fceb4aabb]
I've been waiting on this offer too since Oct. 24th. I haven't recieved credit yet.
lieditli I've been charged for it already too. I hate this whole wait 15 days garbage freepay has before requesting investigation. Most other sites work a lot faster.
lieditli I've been charged for it already too. I hate this whole wait 15 days garbage freepay has before requesting investigation. Most other sites work a lot faster.[/quote336219c660]
All of the sites have a similar policy in place. We do it to help protect ourselves.
Jake, why did you take my credit away? I really had interest in this offer, I just didn't fully understand the cancellation rule. I took heed to the warning and followed by changing my posts. my credit was taken anyway. Is there no way I can work this out?
I have been an honest user of freepay from the start. I am not a scammer at all. I gave the repo-site an honest looking over. I was there all day and checked it over thoroughly. I actually recommended it to a realestate friend of mine.
Can you work with me on this?
02-11-2005 20:04:52
lol you should read the site rules before you start talking about the c-word
its pretty simple
After I was told, I quit talking about it. that seems pretty simple too. He said I could have it taken away. NOt that it was going to be taken. I wouldn't think a guy should lose $6 for that. But oh, well WTF ya gonna do?
[quote77e6e3426c]We are able to give away free products by sending our advertisers potential new customers. We cannot operate our site if users simply join a site or service with the intent to quit only to receive their free product. Since we are 100% funded by our advertisers, we rely on their money to pay for your free product(s) and free shipping as well. We track who stays with an offer, and who does not. Please only click on offers you have a true interest in trying, and those who join and cancel right away run the risk of not getting credit, having your credit reversed, or even being placed on hold.[/quote77e6e3426c]
I'll have to keep this rule in mind too. I wansn't aware you weren't allowed to simply join to get free stuff. I read the banner above, "I came'Isaw'I got free stuff" and I got the wrong idea. And buying and selling referrals I guess that gave me the wrong idea too. I would think that would be worse that what I did.
I'll try not to be a dirtbag in the future.
03-11-2005 07:03:34
Ouch, yeah its kinda weird the way the rules work around here. You see these people with 40 sites completed and you wonder how many of them even thought about truly evaluating an offer. Then you see 1 guy come along and mention the C word a couple time and gets the hammer, oh well. Every section of this site, except the Freepay discussion is just a haven for the manipulating and bending of the rules to the users favor....then we hop over here and its fairytale goody goody gumdrop land. Where everyone is out to help Freepay D I guess thats the benefit of having a Representative on the staff.
[quote5788866108="sevenvii"]Ouch, yeah its kinda weird the way the rules work around here. You see these people with 40 sites completed and you wonder how many of them even thought about truly evaluating an offer. Then you see 1 guy come along and mention the C word a couple time and gets the hammer, oh well. Every section of this site, except the Freepay discussion is just a haven for the manipulating and bending of the rules to the users favor....then we hop over here and its fairytale goody goody gumdrop land. Where everyone is out to help Freepay D I guess thats the benefit of having a Representative on the staff.[/quote5788866108]
03-11-2005 18:46:02
i still havent gotten credit fot the offer ... its been like a week i think ...
[quote86cec305a0]We are able to give away free products by sending our advertisers potential new customers. We cannot operate our site if users simply join a site or service with the intent to quit only to receive their free product. Since we are 100% funded by our advertisers, we rely on their money to pay for your free product(s) and free shipping as well. We track who stays with an offer, and who does not. Please only click on offers you have a true interest in trying, and those who join and cancel right away run the risk of not getting credit, having your credit reversed, or even being placed on hold.[/quote86cec305a0]
I got credit in 24 hours almost to the minute....and greened up. I went back to incomplete status 3 hours later. I don't know what happened. It was as if someone manually reveresed my referral.....very strange.
I guess your gonna have to let it simmer for 15 days. They have a 100% rating on rate the offers so I wouldn't worry too much.
04-11-2005 07:46:17
It's been about 3 days for me and I haven't received credit for it yet... Once I green, I'm on the apparently long line for my 360. P
04-11-2005 08:36:42
Yeah, hope for the 360 by January. If you get it any sooner than that, BONUS!
04-11-2005 11:41:16
i have 12 out of 8 greens for premium ipods i should get something extra for that )
well i guess im complete another offer im sick of waiting it says credit in 24 hours lol
05-11-2005 18:02:39
Still no credit for this offer since 10/24/05...
05-11-2005 20:20:30
have u sent a request for credit to freepay scud ?
has it been over like 15 days
06-11-2005 14:31:43
[quote39e4042565="tsanghan"]have u sent a request for credit to freepay scud ?
has it been over like 15 days[/quote39e4042565]
It will be 15 days tomorrow (11/7/05). I'm sending that request asap. Why can't things just work out for us guys? sheesh! roll
09-11-2005 08:06:52
Any progress anyone?
18-11-2005 16:07:06
Any new news on this offer? Anyone else done it since then and received credit no problem? I wanted to do something like this on TRAINN a while back ago but when I was about to sign up for it, they took it away. Cool that they offer it on Freepay now though. So any comments on this offer?
18-11-2005 16:26:54
i did it on premiumipods about 8 days ago and havent been credited yet.
18-11-2005 17:24:16
Tomorrow's my fifteenth day so I'm submitting for manual credit. Here's hoping...
18-11-2005 17:46:24
That sucks. I guess I won't be doing this offer then.
19-11-2005 09:20:14
I did the offer on 11/02 and submitted a support ticket for credit on 11/17. I received credit and requested approval 40 minutes after the ticket was sent!
19-11-2005 15:58:02
i got credit after submiting a trouble ticket now im requesting approval .. lets see how long this takes
19-11-2005 17:51:49
I just submitted a support ticket. Hopefully I'll credit soon as well. Then I'll be able to submit as well. I'll keep you guys posted.
27-11-2005 19:18:42
Do any of you know if they send a confirmation email when you sign up? if so, how long does it take to arrive?
27-11-2005 20:22:50
I was credited the next day when I did this offer.
27-11-2005 20:25:59
never got a confirmation. haven't got credit yet, and did it on nov 11th.
I got credit the next day when I did RepoCar.
07-12-2005 13:26:15
Man a referral did this offer for me on 11/27/2005 and it still hasn't gone green yet. Anyone's take this long for this offer? I hope it greens soon because it is hard to talk to the person who did the offer for me and I would rather it just go green!
07-12-2005 13:29:30
I had to request manual credit.
07-12-2005 13:38:38
Got credit in 2 days.