Eric P
31-10-2004 00:59:41
If you had 5 then for some reason a referral gets rejected and you get put on hold, does that mean that if you get another person then you can submit again to get your account reviewed? Or does it mean you're on a permanant hold no matter how many people you get?
thnx guys.
31-10-2004 01:12:40
If you get referrals rejected but your account isn't put on hold you can acquire more referrals and resubmit.
Eric P
31-10-2004 01:56:38
wow thanks for quick response.
If what you say is true, I need to get my account off hold, which hopefully will be soon. God knows I didn't break any rules and I always believe justice prevails.
31-10-2004 06:11:40
J Uneek, your sig is broken, you might wanna fix it, just take the space out after the