24-10-2005 18:40:22
What are the details for this offer?
Do you actually get to appear in a movie?
How long does it take to you have to stay as a member...???
25-10-2005 10:20:57
sounds interesting. not concerned about getting casted but sayd INSTANT CREDIT. have not recieved credit for my connection entrtainment service yet, so might go in for this one.
25-10-2005 11:52:22
I'm interested in this offer as well. I want to know if it is really instant credit. The one person who rated it on said he got it instantly on 10/22/05.
Also from what I've read about it in another thread is that it is actually a 4-day trial not a 14-day trial. It also says in the terms and conditions that it is 4-day not 14-day.
25-10-2005 12:39:11
It is Instant. Did it the other day on freegamingsystems.
24-02-2006 19:14:23
i dont want to make another thread on this, but how is this offer????
good service, i'm kinda interested in becoming an actor, any actor, except porn.....well........ya no porn for me D
24-02-2006 19:17:29
no god no dont signup for instantcast, search for instantcast and all you will find is their scamming and stuff check out
24-02-2006 19:18:33
its true. They will charge you large amounts of money during your trial.
24-02-2006 19:19:05
here's a huge thread on it. Read up http//