21-10-2005 13:37:01
Hey anyone ever use one of those pre-paid charge cards that the guide mentions? Reason I'm asking is I'm trying to refer a relative who lives apart from me. He is a bit paranoid about puting his credit card over the internet. Don't ask me why, and I' can't convince him.
I sent him my refferal link and he said he'd be interested in trying one of the offers, the sign up for $1 for a $25 wal-mart gift card.
I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the prepaid credit-cards mentioned on the front page of http//
Better yet, do these cards work for all sites? Do they work for the wal-mart site?
Anyways thanks guys in advance.
22-10-2005 11:21:52
You can choose a mastercard or visa card. Works exactly like a credit card.
22-10-2005 11:58:38
You can choose a mastercard or visa card. Works exactly like a credit card.[/quotee1b7f6f3e1]
can you back a paypal account with one of those? i know you can't with epassporte.
22-10-2005 12:10:10
i love using prepaid credit cards
it works, i prefer those rather than companies over charging me or just in case the number gets stolen
You can choose a mastercard or visa card. Works exactly like a credit card.[/quote32451d29ec]
can you back a paypal account with one of those? i know you can't with epassporte.[/quote32451d29ec]
Yes. The website teaches you how to connect your paypal account with it. So that you can transfer your funds from Paypal to the card, or use paypal so that it takes the money out of the card.
23-10-2005 17:19:49
is netspend or any of these sites compatible with canadian users
23-10-2005 18:53:08
I heard about
I'm still looking for the best card that has the least fees attached