21-10-2005 09:51:52
Sorry if someone already pointed this out. Just wanted to let people know that the starclub reward on the freepay sites was changed from a 30 day trial to a 3 day trial. I called starclub and they confirmed that.
(I got confused because I signed up for it and wanted to make sure I had enough time to evaluate the service.) Want to make sure no one else gets confused.
21-10-2005 10:15:08
holy shit, but i signed up yesterday and it said 30?
great pickup
21-10-2005 11:07:30
Yup, ++ karma for the catch.
21-10-2005 13:25:32
Its fast-crediting though. I had 4 instant greens in the last 2 days and 2 of my friends went green even before they got a confirmation from them. Awesome!
21-10-2005 13:51:15
so even if when i signed up it said 30, its really 3?
EDIT i just talked to starclubrewards and they said i have 30 days